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Temporary Bus Zone Relocation Arguello Boulevard & Geary Boulevard
The outbound bus stop on Arguello Boulevard & Geary Boulevard will be temporarily relocated 50 feet north, away from the intersection from February 29 to March 4, 2016.
8-25-21 EMSC Meeting Notice of Cancellation
Then and Now: Keeping the Cable Cars on the Move
When Andrew Hallidie’s first cable car climbed Nob Hill on Clay Street in August 1873, the cars were a brand-new technology to replace the horse-drawn streetcars used at the time. Little did he know...
Engineering Public Hearing Agenda, September 3, 2021
The Streets Division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing on Friday, September 3, 2021, at 10:00 AM. Meeting Access Instructions This hearing will be...
Engineering Public Hearing Meeting, September 3, 2021
Temporary Bus Stop Relocation Mission Street & Silver Avenue
Construction work will take place at Mission & Silver Streets. The bus stop at Mission & Silver will be moved to a temporary stop 150 feet south from November 17 - December 2, 2016 from 9:00 am - 3:00...
29 Sunset Improvement Project Relaunched
Improvements are on the horizon for one of the longest bus routes in the Muni system. As part of the 29 Sunset Improvement Project, the SFMTA is conducting a survey to gather feedback and ideas on how...
Lake Slow Street
The Lake Slow Street is an effort to improve safety and support active transportation on this corridor from 28th Avenue to Arguello Boulevard, providing an important east-west connection through the...
Temporary Bus Stop Relocation Mission Street & Excelsior Avenue
14, 14X, 49, 52 The 14, 14X, 49 and 52 bus stop at Mission and Excelsior Avenue will be temporarily moved 70 feet north from April 20 - 22 2016 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.
2022 Muni Service Network Virtual Open House 1 of 3
As the city recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the SFMTA is developing a proposal for how Muni service will be restored in 2022. Join the Muni service team for this virtual open house by digital...
2022 Muni Service Network Virtual Open House 2 of 3
As the city recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the SFMTA is developing a proposal for how Muni service will be restored in 2022. Join the Muni service team for this virtual open house by digital...
Lake Slow Street 2020 Survey Summary Russian and Chinese Translation
2023 Slow Streets Design Toolkit
2023 Slow Streets Design Toolkit Volume Management Tools Soft Diversion - Traffic Diverter and Sign at Intersections Traffic Safety Impact: Soft diversion at intersections discourages cut through...
Golden Gate Avenue Slow Street
The Golden Gate Avenue Slow Street is an effort to improve safety and support active transportation on this corridor, which provides an important connection through the North of the Panhandle...
Hella Mega Tour at Oracle Park 8/27/21 Signed Notice
Temporary Bus Stop Relocation Mission & Valencia/30th Streets
The 14, 14R, 36 and 49 bus route bus stops at Mission & Valencia Streets and at Mission & 30th Streets will be relocated when the paint crews need to work in the zones, between 2/29 and 3/2, from 9:00...