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Displaying 23951 - 23975 of 27555

Potrero Yard at the Planning Commission

The San Francisco Planning Commission will hear about the Potrero Yard Modernization Project. The purpose of the hearing is to provide the Commission and the public a broad overview of the Project as...

Project update

Temporary Bus Stop Relocation Sloat Boulevard at 23rd Avenue


The Sloat Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements project requires reconstructing sidewalks and curb ramps on Sloat Boulevard at 23rd Avenue. The 23 Monterey Route inbound bus stop at Sloat Boulevard at...


Purchase SFMTA Parking Meter Cards in Bulk

The pre-paid parking meter card program has been discontinued as the current smart card chip technology is no longer supported or available from a manufacturer. We encourage you to take advantage of...

Project update

Temporary Stop Changes at Balboa Park


Starting Saturday, June 26, 2021, the J Church will resume its normal service to Balboa Park Station. The J Church terminal at Balboa Park station will be temporarily relocated south of Geneva Ave...

Project update

Holiday Service Adjustments for Christmas and New Year's Day


On Monday, Dec. 26, 2016, and Monday, Jan. 2, 2017: The following bus routes will not run: NX, 1AX, 1BX, 5R, 8AX, 8BX, 9R, 14X, 28R, 31AX, 31BX, 38AX, 38BX, 41, 80X, 81X, 82X, 83X, 88. The 76X Marin...


Annual Airport Update Meeting and Lot Management Hours


SFO will be extending the Taxi Lot management hours. Starting Monday, May 24th, 2021, taxi stands and the holding lots will start being staffed at 7:00am, one hour earlier than today. Taxi stands and...