Slow Streets - SoMa
Slow Streets Phase 4 Update (03/16/2020): The Slow Streets team will be presenting the Phase 4 corridors for approval at the April 6, 2021, SFMTA Board of Directors meeting. We welcome members of the...
Slow Streets Phase 4 Update (03/16/2020): The Slow Streets team will be presenting the Phase 4 corridors for approval at the April 6, 2021, SFMTA Board of Directors meeting. We welcome members of the...
Update 03/16/2021: The Slow Streets team will be presenting the Phase 4 corridors for approval at the April 6, 2021, SFMTA Board of Directors meeting. We welcome members of the public to attend the...
The goal of the Anza Street Bike Lane Project is to improve safety and connectivity for cyclists and pedestrians traveling east and west on Anza Street. The planning and preliminary engineering phases...
COVID-19 and the Revised SFMTA Budget Due to changing economic conditions and worsening revenue projections related to COVID-19, the SFMTA is submitting a revised budget for fiscal year 2021-2022...
On March 1, 2022, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to place the Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond on the June 7, 2022 ballot. Proposition A is a bond measure that would...
The Irving Street corridor is a vibrant and vital backbone to the northern Sunset District community, with businesses and institutions serving nearby residents and cross-town visitors. Balancing the...
The Lake Slow Street is an effort to improve safety and support active transportation on this corridor from 28th Avenue to Arguello Boulevard, providing an important east-west connection through the...
The Golden Gate Avenue Slow Street is an effort to improve safety and support active transportation on this corridor, which provides an important connection through the North of the Panhandle...
^ 44 O’Shaughnessy driving through the hot spot intersection near Woodside Avenue/Portola Drive to O’Shaughnessy Boulevard/Portola Drive. The SFMTA is taking an exciting new approach to reducing delay...
The Curbside EV Charging Feasibility Study and Pilot initiative is part of the City’s efforts to meet growing demand for EVs by facilitating the installation of over 1,500 public chargers by 2030. The...
As part of an ongoing Twin Peaks Tunnel Inspection Project, SFMTA will complete a detailed structural inspection of the over two-mile-long Twin Peaks Tunnel. The inspection will require close up, in...
Minnesota Street from Mariposa Street to 22nd Street in the Dogpatch was approved as a Slow Street by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board on December 6, 2022. This corridor...
The Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP), later renamed Muni Forward, was an in-depth planning process that brought together technology, technical expertise, and deep community insight to better...
In September, Muni 30 Stockton route is being extended from its current terminal in the Marina to Crissy Field in the Presidio. Service will be extended daily between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. All other...
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is a layer of policies, programs, information, services, and tools that work with the transportation infrastructure and operations to support the use of...
The goal of the Arguello Quick Build Bicycle Safety Project is to improve safety, promote bicycle travel and strengthen connectivity to the citywide bicycle network. The project was initiated in...
The Folsom Streetscape Project area includes Folsom Street between 2nd and 11th streets. Folsom Street is an eastbound, one-way street and between 11th and Falmouth streets, there are three vehicle...
In 2017, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) launched the Building Progress Program , a $1.2 billion multi-year effort, to repair, renovate, and modernize the SFMTA’s aging...
Residents and businesses have reached out to the SFMTA regarding parking conflicts and requested regulations to improve access for parking and loading. Through outreach, residents and businesses...
The Sloat Quick-Build Project aims to improve safety for all users and enhance active-transportation options on Sloat Boulevard between Skyline Boulevard and 47th Avenue, connecting Lake Merced, the...
33 Stanyan Pole Replacement and Overhead Wire Reconstruction Project – Phase 2 began February, 2017 to reduce the on-going maintenance burden on this trolley coach line. Under the $5.3 Million Project...
As part of the Vision Zero Quick-Build Program, the Battery/Sansome Quick-Build Project will assess the feasibility of protected bikeways on one or both corridors and implement the improvements on...
The 3rd Street Quick-Build Project includes the 3rd Street corridor from the San Francisco Bay Trail to Townsend Street. 3rd Street is a north-south street with two-way and one-way northbound traffic...
The final design for the 17th Street Quick-Build Project was unanimously approved at the March 5th SFMTA Board of Directors meeting, and construction is now complete. The next step will be completion...