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Blog post

The First Step to Battery Electric Muni Buses

3 years 11 months ago

Starting in early October, the SFMTA will take a big leap forward in implementing its Sustainability and Climate Action Program by installing nine new charging stations at Muni Woods Division to power...

Blog post

Twin Peaks for All: Survey Results

3 years 10 months ago

Last month, the SFMTA and San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department released a survey seeking public feedback regarding  five proposed roadway options for Twin Peaks Boulevard. San Franciscans...

Blog post

Twin Peaks Tunnel Work to Start November 30

3 years 10 months ago

View from inside the Twin Peaks Tunnel that was first opened 102 years ago in 1918 The Eureka Curve is a section of the Twin Peaks tunnel that connects downtown San Francisco to West Portal and beyond...

Blog post

New Twin Peaks Proposals: Survey Open Until November 9th

3 years 10 months ago

The Twin Peaks Boulevard gates were closed early in the pandemic to reduce crowding at Christmas Tree Point lookout parking lot. Since then, Twin Peaks Park use has increased significantly among...

Blog post

Slow Streets Takes it to the Streets

3 years 10 months ago

As the Slow Streets program develops plans for its next phase, the team is headed directly to historically under-served neighborhoods to conduct outreach. Most of the current Slow Streets have come...

Blog post

Parking Meter Pilot Coming to Dogpatch

3 years 10 months ago

A small but exciting pilot project at parking meters on Indiana Street in the Dogpatch is starting Monday, November 9. For the past couple of years, all metered surface parking lots have been equipped...

Blog post

SFMTA Staff Recognized for Putting Riders First

3 years 11 months ago

SFMTA staff were honored for their work to keep the city moving during the San Francisco Transit Riders’ Rider First Awards last Friday. The nonprofit organization that aims to better transit in San...

Blog post

Moving Better Market Street Forward

3 years 10 months ago

This blog is co-authored by SFMTA Director of Transportation Jeffrey Tumlin and San Francisco Public Works Acting Director Alaric Degrafinried. Less than a year after c ar-free Market Street closed...

Blog post

Shared Spaces Permits Extending to Next Summer

3 years 11 months ago

More than 1,800 individual operators and counting are making the Shared Spaces Program a successful part of San Francisco’s economic recovery. Permits originally set to expire at the end of December...

Blog post

City Project to Improve the 28 19th Avenue Bus Line

3 years 11 months ago

As part of the 19th Avenue Combined City Project, the SFMTA will implement transit priority and safety improvements for people walking along the route of the 28 19th Avenue. The improvements will make...

Blog post

Shared Spaces Lights Up Skybridge on Stevenson

3 years 10 months ago

The Shared Spaces program has imagined new ways to utilize public spaces around the city. Skybridge on Stevenson, a unique partnership between SFMTA, OEWD, the San Francisco Parks Alliance, the Mid...

Blog post

Community Meetings About Rebuilding Potrero Yard

3 years 9 months ago

Potrero Yard Modernization Project - Upcoming Community Conversations Conceptual design sketch of Potrero Yard at Mariposa and Hampshire streets. This has been an unprecedented year for so many...

Blog post

Milestones on the Waterfront

3 years 9 months ago

Over the summer, the SFMTA and Port of San Francisco broke ground on the Embarcadero Quick-Build Projects, bringing protected bikeways to the Embarcadero between Bay and North Point streets and...

Blog post

Understanding Upcoming Muni Service Changes

3 years 9 months ago

In December and January 2021 the SFMTA will phase back in surface rail on the J Church and T Third . This will free up buses so we can bring back more routes like the 27 Bryant, extend bus service on...

Blog post

Vision Zero: Monthly Highlights

4 years 7 months ago

Vision Zero SF is the City’s road safety policy that will build safety and livability into our streets, protecting the one million people who move about the City every day. From education to traffic...

Blog post

SFMTA Public Meetings February 3 - February 17

4 years 7 months ago

Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, February 4, 1 p.m. City Hall, Room 400 Nearby Muni Routes: 5, 19, 21, 47, 49, F Market, Civic Center Station The SFMTA Board of Directors provides policy oversight...

Blog post

Commemorating Rosa Parks Day

4 years 7 months ago

“I do the very best I can to look upon life with optimism and hope and looking forward to a better day, but I don’t think there is any such thing as complete happiness.” ~ Rosa Parks on optimism Today...

Blog post

Upgraded Parking Meters are Coming Citywide

2 years 11 months ago

Beginning early next year, SFMTA will be replacing more than 18,000 parking meters throughout San Francisco. The parking meter hardware upgrade is taking place under a $70 million contract with MacKay...

Blog post

Planning for Additional Muni Service in early 2022

2 years 11 months ago

The 15 Bayview Hunters Point Express waits for person crossing the street Over the past couple of months SFMTA staff have been reaching out for feedback on three alternatives for adding 10% more bus...