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Lucky Cab 7.12.23
TLCBD workshop July 2023 -- Active Communities Plan
Bayview Transportation Resource Center
Bayview Community Shuttle - July Update
The Bayview Community Shuttle Program has reached over 1,000 residents and collected over 200 surveys across 17 different events since the start of January. We’re working with our community partners...
Phase One of 29 Sunset Improvement Project is approved
At the June 6 SFMTA Board meeting, the Board of Directors unanimously approved Phase One of the 29 Sunset Improvement Project. Phase One focuses on the western portion of the route between Baker Beach...
Innovation to Icon: 150 Years of Cable Cars Exhibit Opens
We are happy to announce the opening of a special history exhibit at the San Francisco Public Library, as part of the ongoing celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the cable cars. The “Innovation...
Common Roots Youth workshop -- Active Communities Plan
Potrero Yard tour ** TOUR FULL ** Wednesday, July 19, 3:00 p.m.
This tour is at capacity. We are no longer accepting RSVPs at this time. Join a tour for a behind-the-scenes look at how a transit yard works and see why our 108-year-old yard needs to be rebuilt...
Potrero Yard tour ** TOUR FULL ** Saturday, July 22, 11:00 a.m.
This tour is at capacity. We are no longer accepting RSVPs at this time. Join a tour for a behind-the-scenes look at how a transit yard works and see why our 108-year-old yard needs to be rebuilt...
7-18-23 MTAB Item 10.2 Contract Amendment - Van Ness Corridor Transit Improvement Project
7-18-23 MTAB Item 10.3 Contract Amendment - Automated Enforcement Program
Color Curb Public Hearing Notice, July 28, 2023
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 6668 adopted July 13, 2023 the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing to solicit public input on the following proposed changes.