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12-21-21 MTAB Item 10.2 TC Amendment - SFPD Taraval Station Parking
Transportation Network Company (TNC) Access for All Reporting
Since 2013, ride-hail companies, also known as Transportation Network Companies or TNCs, have become increasingly visible on San Francisco’s streets. While the SFMTA and our sister agency, the San...
Central Embarcadero Safety Project – Quick-Build Implementation Update
Happy Holidays from the SFMTA! The Central Embarcadero project team has an update to share on the implementation of the quick-build project and plans for evaluation. Implementation schedule You may...
Lake Slow Street - Project Update 12/17/2021
We’re looking forward to collaborating with you all on the design for Lake Street. This week, we moved into the design feedback phase with our Lake Street online open house, associated virtual...
Color Curb Public Hearing Results, December 10, 2021
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 6481, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency held an online public hearing on Friday, December 10th, 2021 regarding the following proposed changes.
Color Curb Public Hearing Results, December 10, 2021
How We Made San Francisco Streets Safer In 2021
As 2021 comes to an end, we're reflecting on everything SFMTA has done to make San Francisco streets safer for all. But first, let’s wind back 50 years ago to 1971: the year the first bike lanes went...
NBA Western Conference Finals at Chase Center
Phase Two Outreach: Proposed Improvements for the Vis Valley Portola Community Based Transportation Plan
During the project’s early outreach we got a lot of input from Visitacion Valley and Portola communities. We turned this input into a series of potential projects across the community. The map below...
Visitacion Valley and Portola CBTP Virtual Workshop 1
Zoom Meeting Link: Join by phone: +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 899 2574 7859 Passcode: SFMTA We’re excited to announce three virtual public workshops in May and...
Visitacion Valley and Portola CBTP Virtual Workshop 2
Zoom Meeting: Join by phone: +1 669 900 9128 Meeting ID: 840 8804 7687 Passcode: SFMTA We’re excited to announce three virtual public workshops in May and June to...
Visitacion Valley and Portola CBTP Virtual Workshop 3
Zoom Meeting: Join by phone: +1 669 900 9128 Meeting ID: 828 8350 6692 Passcode: SFMTA We’re excited to announce three virtual public workshops in May and June to...