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Blog post

Muni Connects Communities for Lunar New Year

1 year ago

People celebrating the San Francisco Lunar New Year Parade on Feb. 23, 2019 Happy Year of the Dragon! Lunar New Year celebrations kicked off last weekend and continue throughout the month. To welcome...


Contract 35 Traffic Signal Modifications

Project Introduction

The Contract 35 Traffic Signals Modification project will implement signal and related pedestrian improvements at 18 intersections. Signal visibility improvements includes new poles with larger signal...


Tenderloin Traffic Signal Upgrades

Project Introduction

The Tenderloin Traffic Signal Upgrades project includes traffic signal upgrades and left-turn phasing for safer intersections, including larger 12-inch signal heads and mast arms to enhance signal...


Geneva Avenue Traffic Signal Upgrades

Project Introduction

The Geneva Avenue Traffic Signal Upgrades project will implement pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements and enhance access to education, recreation, transit stations, and shopping destinations...


Great Highway Traffic Signal Upgrades

Project Introduction

The Great Highway Traffic Signal Upgrade project will replace traffic signal hardware at 8 intersections along the Great Highway between Lincoln Way and Vicente Street. These signals are prone to...


No Turn on Red Downtown Expansion Project

Project Introduction

The SFMTA is proposing to enhance pedestrian safety by installing new No Turn on Red restrictions and accompanying signage at approximately 200 signalized intersections. The new restrictions would be...

Blog post

Taken with Transportation Podcast: How to Muni

1 year ago

Passengers board a classic streetcar on the F Market line.Getting around on Muni might feel overwhelming if you aren’t used to it. So we’re giving you a practical guide for using the system in “How to...


Western Addition Traffic Signal Upgrades Phase 2

Project Introduction

The Western Addition Traffic Signal Upgrades Phase 2 project will upgrade traffic signals at 16 locations as recommended in the Western Addition Community Based Transportation Plan. Upgrades at 12...

Project update

Project Proposals Up for Approval at SFMTA Board

The K Ingleside Rapid Project will be considered for approval by the SFMTA Board of Directors at their Tuesday, March 5 meeting. The proposed project includes tools to improve transit travel times and...


Contract 65 New Traffic Signals

Project Introduction

Contract 65 New Traffic Signals will construct new traffic signals at six intersections and pedestrian-activated flashing beacons at one intersection to improve traffic, pedestrian, and bicycle safety...