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Blog post

San Francisco Beams With Rainbow Pride This Weekend

8 years 3 months ago

The first weekend of summer and the last weekend of June will draw an estimated one million people into the city for the world renown Pride celebration. While Pride weekend will get the lion share of...

Blog post

SFMTA Public Meetings, June 27 - July 11

8 years 3 months ago

Board of Directors Meeting: Tuesday June 28, 8:30 a.m. **Please note the earlier start time.** City Hall, Room 400 Nearby Muni Routes: 5, 19, 21, 47, 49, F Market, Metro-Civic Center Station The...

Blog post

4th of July Weekend: Fireworks, Jazz, and Giants Baseball

8 years 2 months ago

Holiday Service Schedule and Enforcement Reminder : This Monday, the 4th of July, Muni will operate on a Sunday schedule. Also on Monday, seven-day street sweeping and parking meters (including those...

Blog post

Helping Pride Thrive, Year After Year

8 years 2 months ago

Pride brings downtown San Francisco to life more than any other time of the year. Every June, thousands fill the streets for a joyful and boisterous seventy-two hours featuring cultural events...

Blog post

Central Subway's Chinatown Station Couplet Contest Winner

8 years 2 months ago

Through the middle of San Francisco lie the tunnels and caverns that will become the Central Subway extension of Muni's T Third Line. The 1.7-mile tunnel between SoMa and North Beach has been built...

Blog post

Ringing for a Cause

8 years 2 months ago

Today is the 53rd Annual Cable Car Bell Ringing Competition, one of Muni's most popular and longest-running traditions. This fun public event has its own tradition of local celebrities (or characters)...

Blog post

This Weekend: Giants Baseball, 12K Run, and Sunday Streets

8 years 2 months ago

After a long, three-day festive weekend, you may still be in recovery mode but due to a short work week, the new weekend is fast upon us. Ready or not, your Sunday dance card has already been punched...

Blog post

The New Cable Car Bell Ringing World Champion Is. . .

8 years 2 months ago

The word has gone out that Leonard Oats has once again claimed the title of World Champion of the Cable Car Bell Ringing Contest. The hotly contested demonstration of skill and rhythm also included...

Blog post

Car-Free Road on Twin Peaks Coming Next Week

8 years 2 months ago

The top of Twin Peaks is about to get a lot more spectacular. On Wednesday, July 13, a portion of the “figure 8” roadway loop will become a car-free area for people gazing, hiking and biking on top of...

Blog post

Muni's Bus Seats Unlocked By Clever Pole Design

8 years 1 month ago

In recent months, you might’ve noticed more and more of the locked seats at the front of Muni buses being unfolded as new curved poles are installed. What's less noticeable is the key design feature...

Blog post

SFMTA Public Meetings, July 11 - 24

8 years 2 months ago

Summer is a slow season for public meetings. Our Board of Directors will meet next Tuesday and on Tuesday, August 16. Their full, two meetings per month schedule will resume in September. Their...

Blog post

A Sunday in the Park: AIDS Walk San Francisco

8 years 2 months ago

While the last several weekends have been busy to say the least, this weekend will be relatively calm and mellow. If you are interested in finding something to do this weekend, be sure to check out...

Blog post

A New Bike-Only Shortcut Into Golden Gate Park

8 years 2 months ago

People on bikes have a new, seamless entry into Golden Gate Park thanks to a new shortcut we installed in the traffic median at 7th Avenue and Lincoln Way. The bicycle “cut-thru” provides a new link...

Blog post

Weekend BART Closures in SF: How to Get Around

8 years 2 months ago

BART plans to close its tracks between Glen Park and Daly City stations over seven weekends, from the end of July through October, to make vital repairs and install noise-reducing equipment. Balboa...

Blog post

The Ghost Ship of Muni Metro (Part 1)

8 years 2 months ago

If you’ve ever traveled outbound on a Muni train through the Metro tunnel towards Embarcadero Station, you’ve unknowingly passed through part of a ship buried during the Gold Rush Era. We at the SFMTA...

Blog post

Investing In Our City's Transportation

8 years 2 months ago

The SFMTA's $3.4 billion Capital Improvement Program is comprised of 250 projects described in a 200 page document. It's the agency's five-year plan for investing in San Francisco's transportation...

Blog post

J-Pop Weekend: Anime, Cosplay, and Japanese Film Festival

8 years 2 months ago

Project Construction Alert: As part of the on-going Balboa Park Station Area and Plaza Improvement project, the southbound I-280 off ramp at Ocean Avenue will be closed tomorrow and again on Monday...

Blog post

Pokemon Go: Catch Muni to Catch ‘Em All

8 years 2 months ago

You may have noticed that bus and rail lines across San Francisco are carrying a few extra passengers. Nidorans and Magikarps of the Pokemon world are among some of your fellow riders commuting across...