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Better Market Street

Project Introduction

Better Market Street is an ongoing, collaborative effort to redesign San Francisco’s most important street. Market Street can become a place where people can gather, spend time and enjoy the sights of...


Upper Market Street Safety Project

Project Introduction

Construction Update - Left Turn Restrictions Coming Soon In summer 2023, the Upper Market Safety Project was substantially completed. As part of the SFMTA's commitment to evaluate how improvements...


Sunset Tunnel Trackway Improvement Project

Project Introduction

The project aimed to improve the safety and reliability of the N Judah Line by replacing track and other infrastructure inside the Sunset Tunnel. Other improvements included Transit Signal Priority...


Octavia Boulevard Enhancement Program

Project Introduction

The Octavia Boulevard Enhancement Program is a series of capital projects, guided by the Market-Octavia Area Plan, to make the boulevard and surrounding streets safer, more pedestrian-friendly, and...


Powell Street Safety and Sidewalk Improvement Pilot

Project Introduction

The stretch of Powell Street from Union Square to Market Street is one of San Francisco’s most iconic streets. Hosting the historic Powell-Hyde and Powell-Mason cable car lines, this street is a...


Muni Forward 5 Fulton Rapid Proposal

Project Introduction

As part of Muni Forward, SFMTA has identified the 5 Fulton corridor as being a part of its proposed Rapid Network. In most cities, a Rapid Network is bus service with dedicated lanes and vehicles that...


Mission at Highland Bus Stop & Infrastructure Improvements

Project Introduction

The SFMTA is partnering with Public Works to repave Mission Street between Appleton and Crescent Avenues. As a part of this project, we are proposing changes to bus stop spacing to improve reliability...


20th Street Slow Street

Project Introduction

The 20th Street Slow Street provides an east-west connection through the Mission neighborhood, connecting the Shotwell Slow Street and Potrero Avenue bike facilities. 20th Street was designated as a...


Brotherhood/Alemany Safety Improvements Project

Project Introduction

The Brotherhood/Alemany Safety Improvements Project ("Brotherhood/Alemany") will explore alternatives to improve safety and circulation for all users at the Brotherhood Way/Alemany Boulevard /...


Hyde Street Quick-Build

Project Introduction

Every street in the Tenderloin is part of San Francisco’s Vision Zero High Injury Network (HIN), the 12% of city streets that account for more than 68% of severe and fatal injuries. Over the past...


Raised Bikeway Demonstration Project

Project Introduction

This demonstration project will allow the SFMTA to hear from the public and determine how this tool can be best applied here in the city. This project is also a key component of the SFMTA’s commitment...


SFpark Pilot Program

Project Introduction

Circle less, live more SFMTA established SF park to use new technologies and policies to improve parking in San Francisco. Reducing traffic by helping drivers find parking benefits everyone. More...


Muni Forward 9 San Bruno Rapid Proposal

Project Introduction

Latest Updates - This Proposal's Fast-Tracked Segment - in Coordination with Repaving Project What's included in the 9 San Bruno Travel Rapid Proposal? To reduce travel times and enhance reliability...


Lombard Street Vision Zero Project

Project Introduction

Lombard Street is a high-injury corridor; several treatments are proposed to improve safety along the corridor between Van Ness and Doyle Drive. The treatments include transit and pedestrian bulbs...


Turk Street Safety Project

Project Introduction

The Turk Street Safety Project began in Spring 2016. SFMTA identified Turk Street for improvement, between Market Street and Gough Street, based on its inclusion on the Vision Zero High Injury Network...


Balboa Park Station Area and Plaza Improvements

Project Introduction

Balboa Park Station and the surrounding area is one of the busiest transit hubs in the region, serving more than 24,000 people daily. It has one of the highest ridership BART stations outside of...


John F. Kennedy Drive Separated Bikeways

Project Introduction

The SFMTA implemented San Francisco’s first parking-protected bikeway in Spring of 2012 along the eastern end of John F. Kennedy Drive in Golden Gate Park. The bikeway offers a wide, comfortable place...


Treasure Island & Yerba Buena Island Project

Project Introduction

The Treasure Island and Yerba Buena project is an ambitious development program: with approximately 8-10k housing units under development and a robust 27% affordability, this project is a cornerstone...


Land Use Development & Transportation Integration

Project Introduction

Why it makes sense for San Francisco Integrating transportation and land use planning is essential to meet the ever growing needs of a vibrant city like San Francisco. Research has proven that...


Unity Plaza

Project Introduction

A landscaped, fully-accessible public open space with features including: benches, pedestrian lighting, artistic pavement, a domed play structure and photography displays depicting the history of the...


SFMTA Budget Planning - Fiscal Years 2025 & 2026

Project Introduction

Budget Balancing Exercise The San Francisco City Charter requires the SFMTA to submit a two-year budget in even-numbered years that outlines how the agency will allocate its operating and capital...