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Bus shuttles substitute all Cable Car lines in September 2019
Muni will run bu s shuttles for the Powell-Hyde, Powell-Mason and California cable car lines starting Friday, September 13 for about 10 days. As a part of the Cable Car Gearbox Rehab Project, the Hyde...
Page Street Bikeway Improvements Pilot Open House
We are always looking for ways to make our streets safer and input from the community is a big help. Please join us and bring your ideas and concerns to our open house this coming Tuesday, August 27...
Geary Rapid Project Construction Forecast: August 24, 2019 - September 6, 2019
As part of the Geary Rapid Project, work to replace aging water and sewer lines on Geary Boulevard, in coordination with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, continues. The next stage of work to...
Van Ness Avenue Construction Forecast: August 24 - September 6, 2019
Those traveling on the corridor are advised to stay alert and allow more travel time during construction. Polk Street, one block east of Van Ness Avenue, is a recommended alternative for people...
Sound Off, Be Heard!
Next Stop: SFMTA Partners with Hunters Point Family and BAYCAT to Capture Youth Experiences with Transportation in the Bayview. As a part of youth engagement for the Bayview Community Based...
Polk Streetscape Design and Roadway Design Update Flyer (PDF)
Taxi administrative hearing - Julian Lagos 8.29.2018 pdf
Taxi Administrative Hearing 2019.08.29 - Julian Lagos
Taxi administrative hearing - Julian Lagos 8.29.2018
COMPLAINANT PERMIT NO. TIME REASON FOR HEARING Ju Julian Lagos None 2:00PM Tampering with equipment
Giro di San Francisco: September 2, 2019
The annual bike race event will take place in North Beach and the Financial District from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Streets will be closed to automobiles. Muni service will not be impacted, but note that Muni...
Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting July 25, 2019 approved minutes-document
Approved Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes July 25, 2019, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm UCSF Mission Hall, 550 16th Street, Room 2100 Advisory Committee Seat Voting...
Howard Street Quick-Build Project
PROJECT UPDATE 01/04/2020: The project implementation work to improve traffic safety on Howard Street between Third Street and the Embarcadero is now substantially complete. Minor touch-up work for...
Director of Transportation Report: August 20, 2019
In this week’s Director’s Report from the SFMTA Board of Directors meeting, Tom Maguire gave the following updates: Vision Zero: Sadly, there have been more Vision Zero traffic fatalities on San...
Folsom Street Quick-Build Project
Project Update 12/30/2021: The project is now fully complete! As a reminder, the Folsom Quick-Build Project is a temporary improvement to traffic safety in the project area. The Folsom-Howard...
Polk Open House Presentation Boards October 5, 2016
Practice Makes Perfect!
Practice makes perfect! That's right, we are talking about practice. Over the last month, we have been conducting dry runs to make sure things go smoothly when Chase Center officially opens next week...
This Weekend: Presidio Picnic
Events: It's an unusually quiet weekend ahead in terms of major events around the city, but that doesn't mean there's any shortage of fun activities to be found. Catch the second half of a four-game...
Color Curb Public Hearing Results, August 23, 2019
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 6131, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency held a public hearing on Friday, August 23, 2019 to solicit public input on the following proposed changes.