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Blog post

Building Rapid Transit from the Underground Up

9 years 7 months ago

This week's photo excursion takes us deep under the streets of San Francisco for a sight seen by very few eyes. One of the biggest transportation projects of the 1960s and '70s in the Bay Area was the...

Blog post

Board Moves Ahead on Key SF Initiatives

9 years 7 months ago

You can be forgiven for not watching all of yesterday's 7-hour (plus!) SFMTA Board of Directors meeting. That's a lot of transportation talk even for us. The long day, though, meant that a lot got...

Blog post

A Little Patch of Dogpatch

9 years 6 months ago

This week we bring out a rare shot from the archives that gives an overview of one little "patch" of San Francisco. One of only a handful of aerial photos in our collections, this 4x5" negative was...

Blog post

Celebrating the Year of the Ram in Style

9 years 7 months ago

Happy Lunar New Year! It’s been called the Year of the Ram, Sheep and Goat—different translations meaning the same thing: time to kick off the largest celebration of Asian culture outside of Asia, the...

Blog post

Sunday Streets Kicks-off on The Embarcadero

9 years 7 months ago

“Go play in the street!” This isn’t a directive you usually hear from us, but when it comes to Sunday Streets, that’s exactly what we want you to do on The Embarcadero this Sunday. Sunday Streets is...


Motorcycle Safety

Given the compactness and generally good weather of San Francisco, it is easy to see why traveling by motorcycle or motorized scooter is an increasingly popular choice in our city. Over the last few...

Blog post

SFMTA Public Meetings, March 9 - 20

9 years 6 months ago

ISCOTT Meeting: 9a.m., Thursday, March 12 SFMTA Offices, 7 th Floor, Room 7080 Nearby Muni Routes: 9, 9L, 47, 49, F Market, Metro—Van Ness Station The Interdepartmental Staff Committee on Traffic and...

Blog post

Irish Eyes Will Be Smiling

9 years 6 months ago

Will you be among the throngs on the streets this weekend, painting the town green and hollering Erin Go Bragh? The parade and festival at Civic Center and downtown will be at the center of...

Blog post

Congestion on the Roadshow

9 years 6 months ago

If you read about Bay Area transportation, sooner or later you’re apt to come across “Mr. Roadshow,” Gary Richards, of the San Jose Mercury News. We are long-time fans of his readers’ questions and...

Blog post

Bolder Crosswalks and Reduced Speeds Increase Safety

9 years 6 months ago

Reflections on the recent traffic fatalities on Geary Boulevard and on Lincoln Way led this morning’s press conference to announce 33 new crosswalks on Geary and a speed limit reduction on Fulton...

Blog post

A Floral Oasis

9 years 6 months ago

Open to the public in 1879, the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park is the home to over 1,700 plant species. Photo taken May 6, 2013. Severe structural damage caused by a 100-mile-an-hour...

Blog post

Thank You for Driving Muni!

9 years 6 months ago

With this Wednesday being Transit Driver Appreciation Day, we want to give a tip of our caps to the men and women of Muni who provide more than just a steady hand on the steering wheel as they ferry...

Blog post

Muni Has Good Fortune with All-door Boarding

9 years 6 months ago

You may have noticed that we’re big fans of The Atlantic’s City Lab blog. We’ve recently spotlighted their efforts here and here. Today we are lucky to share a recent piece from them, “ Why Buses...

Blog post

Sunset Tunnel Project Resumes

9 years 6 months ago

After two consecutive weekends of major Muni re-routes, this weekend will be much calmer. Spring officially arrives this Friday with the spring (vernal) equinox. Couple that with some beautiful...

Blog post

San Francisco's "Other" Railroad

9 years 6 months ago

When discussing railroads owned by the City of San Francisco most people only think of the Municipal Railway (Muni) that we're all so familiar with. But did you know that there was another railroad...

Blog post

“Daylighting” Makes San Francisco Crosswalks Safer

9 years 6 months ago

It’s a simple pedestrian safety measure with a memorable nickname: “daylighting.” And it’s a solution that will help San Francisco move the needle on our Vision Zero goal of zero traffic deaths by...


Smartphone Safety

Smartphone theft and the physical violence associated with it have no place in San Francisco. For the "Eyes Up, Phones Down" anti-crime and public awareness campaign we partnered with Mayor Ed Lee...

Blog post

SFMTA Public Meetings, March 23 – April 3

9 years 6 months ago

Over the next two weeks, staff from the Twin Peaks Tunnel Trackway Improvement Project will host three community town halls in the neighborhoods affected by upcoming construction to provide an...

Blog post

Drive Less And the Savings Add Up

9 years 6 months ago

The American Public Transportation Association releases monthly updates on how much money Americans save by taking transit. They recently reported that riding transit saves the average American $9,238...

Blog post

Rock N' Roll Running

9 years 6 months ago

This weekend thousands of runners will rock n' roll 13.1 miles around the city, and we'll continue work in the Sunset Tunnel to improve the N Judah. Here's what you need to know about getting to, from...

Blog post

Under the Loupe: Candy for Life at Ocean Beach

9 years 6 months ago

San Francisco is a town that loves its food, with new restaurants popping up frequently and almost any cuisine imaginable being doled out somewhere in town. Today's trip back in time (and "under the...

Blog post

New Mid-Block Signal for City Hall

9 years 6 months ago

As some have already noticed (like San Francisco Public Work’s @MrCleanSF), crews began construction to install a traffic signal in front of City Hall yesterday. @MrCleanSF was there to capture...

Blog post

Observations in Springtime

9 years 6 months ago

Tourism and San Francisco go together like bread and butter. With all the spectacular views the city has to offer and year-round mild weather, it's no wonder so many people flock here to visit. Even...

Blog post

A Little Help from Our Friends: You!

9 years 6 months ago

Many drivers avoid Downtown San Francisco as much as possible, but that still seems to leave plenty of folks driving through our congested streets. Clogged streets not only seriously damage a driver's...