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Project update

Page Street Pilot: Sep 2019 Project Update

Over 150 people attended our open house and public hearing on August 27, 2019 at John Muir Elementary School where the project team presented the pilot proposal in an open house format, allowing...

Blog post

Townsend Street Improvement Project Gets Underway

4 years 11 months ago

As the Townsend Street Improvement Project gets underway, important safety-enhancing changes are coming to this busy corridor. Townsend Street has evolved in just two decades from an area of low...

Blog post

27 Bryant Project Wins IAP2 Outreach Award

4 years 11 months ago

The SFMTA is always looking for ways to improve service and ensuring the public is consistently kept in the loop regarding transit improvements is a big part of that. In recognition of our hard work...


Kimberly Ackerman

Kimberly W. Ackerman joined as Director of Human Resources for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) in September 2019. As a member of the agency’s leadership team, she is...