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Reports and documents

Shop-a-Round Application Registration Form

Saturday, 1 July, 2017

Shop-a-Round is a convenient, low-cost shuttle or taxi that makes it easier to go grocery shopping. You will need to provide proof that you are eligible for the program when submitting your...

Project update

UCSF/Mission Bay Construction Phase E: May 25 - June 2, 2019


Construction for the UCSF Mission Bay Platform Upgrade project will require deactiving the Muni power lines to re-install platform amentities. 3rd Street will remain open for thru traffic and the T...

Project update

Van Ness Avenue Construction Forecast: May 13 - May 24, 2019

The following Van Ness Improvement Project construction forecast is subject to change. For more project details, please visit All night work is italicized below. The night shift for...

Project update

Central Subway Project Update: May 10, 2019

Heavy-duty concrete forms being built and placed inside the arched entrance to the Chinatown Station platform cavern. Central Subway | Project Update May 10, 2019 This notice provides a construction...