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Muni Improvement Plan Text from Infographic - Accessible
Current Initiatives Various near-term initiatives for the plan were identified and developed during collaborative work sessions within Transit. Targeted actions and measurable goals were then produced...
Sansome and Battery Connections Project - February 2019 Update
Thank you for your interest in the Sansome and Battery Connections Project! Over 50 people attended the project walking tour held on Thursday, February 21, 2019. Whether you attended the tour, have...
Improving Muni on Market Street
The Better Market Street Project reached a significant milestone last week with the release of its Draft Environmental Impact Report. While it may not sound exciting at first glance, this step is an...
Reply Regarding Proposed Data Reporting Requirements
English Version of Excelsior Mission Terrace/Cayuga Parking Survey
March 19, 2016 open house intersection details
Van Ness BRT Community Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - February 28, 2019
UCSF/Mission Bay Intersection Construction: March 9-19, 2019
Construction for the UCSF Mission Bay Platform Upgrade project will replace the track at the intersection of 16th & 3rd streets. During this construction, the intersection will be partially closed and...
Materiales de Taller de Proyecto de Modernización de Potrero Yard, Febrero 2019
Aquí se incluyen todos los materiales utilizados por el SFMTA para los talleres de diseño del Proyecto de Modernización de Potrero Yard de febrero 2019. Los talleres se centraron en tres áreas...
Geary Rapid Project Breaks Ground
SAN FRANCISCO - Mayor London Breed, in partnership with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and other City departments, officially broke ground on the Geary Rapid Project. This...
停車調查 - Excelsior - Mission Terrace/Cayuga Parking Survey
ISCOTT 1449 Minutes, February 28, 2019
December 8, 2015 open house summary of proposals
ISCOTT 1450 Agenda, March 14, 2019
Geary Rapid Project: Construction Forecast March 9 - March 24, 2019
The first phase of construction as part of the Geary Rapid Project has begun. Work to replace aging water and sewer lines between Masonic and Van Ness avenues is being done in coordination with San...