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6-30-23 MTAB Item 3A MOU Amendments - Transport Workers’ Union TWU Local 200
6-30-23 MTAB Item 3B MOU Amendment - Municipal Executives Association
Valencia Bikeway Improvements - June 2023 Project Update
We would like to provide you with an update on the ongoing construction progress of the center-running protected bikeway project on Valencia Street. Our crews have been working diligently to implement...
San Francisco Pride Festival: Saturday & Sunday, June 29 & 30, 2024
Event Summary On Saturday and Sunday, Civic Center Plaza and surrounding streets will be closed for the annual San Francisco Pride Celebration. Some streets will be closed as early as Thursday and as...
SoMa Slow Streets
Lapu-Lapu, Rizal, Tandang Sora, Bonifacio and Mabini streets between Folsom Street and Harrison Street (SoMa Slow Streets) in the SoMa neighborhood was approved as a Slow Street by the San Francisco...
Have a say in the expansion of the Slow Streets Network!
This month the Slow Streets team published the 2023 Slow Streets Evaluation Report. The report highlighted that Slow Streets are safer than they were before being designated Slow Streets—there are...
SFMTA Transit and Traffic Advisory for Thursday, May 18 through Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Bike to Wherever Day
Join people across the city bicycling today for the annual Bike to Wherever Day. The SFMTA is proud to be the official citywide sponsor of Bike to Wherever Day 2023, San Francisco's favorite biking...
Bayanihan Community Center
Timeline for all J Church Related Projects
This timeline includes all projects related to the J Church, including capital and service improvement projects. For additional information about a specific project, please see the project webpage. ...