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Final Visitacion Valley & Portola Community Based Transportation Plan
In December 2022 the SFMTA published the draft plan including 45 projects – $25 million worth of transportation improvements – across Visitacion Valley, Portola, Little Hollywood and Sunnydale that...
Black History Lost and Found: Dorothy Jaymes and Accessible Transit
We continue to celebrate Black History Month by sharing the stories of SFMTA staff whose revolutionary work helped pave the way for future generations of Muni riders. Today, we look at the incredible...
L Taraval Improvement Forecast and Project Segment B Update – February 27 – March 11, 2023
L Taraval Improvement Forecast and Project Segment B Update February 27 – March 11, 2023 In the coming weeks, work continues on water and sewer lines, as well as on the overhead contact system (OCS)...
Bayshore Quick-Build Illustrative Design Proposal (March 17 2023)
March 2023 Active Communities Plan Update
Happy March, everyone! Thank you to everyone who came out to meet with us and learn about the Active Communities Plan over the last month! It’s been incredible learning about how you like to move...
3-7-23 MTAB Item 10.3 MTC Resolution of Local Support - One Bay Area Grant Cycle 3 Funds
3-7-23 MTAB Item 10.4 Contract Award - Drug and Alcohol Testing Services - Energetix Corporation
3-7-23 MTAB Item 10.5 TC Amendment - 11th Street Parking Restrictions
Greer Cowan
Urban Planning Master’s Student UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
Sloat Quick-Build Fact Sheet (March 2023) (PDF)
Sloat Quick-Build Plan View (March 2023) (PDF)
16th Street Improvement Project Construction Forecast March 6 - March 17
In the next two weeks, as part of the 16th Street Improvement Project, crews are scheduled to work on traffic improvements, overhead power installations, traffic signal wiring and hardware...
SFMTA Bond Oversight Committee Meeting, March 8, 2023 - Meeting Materials
SFMTA Bond Oversight Committee Meeting, March 8, 2023
This meeting will be hybrid. You can either attend in person at SFMTA Headquarters, Union Square Conference Room, Floor 7 or via Teams meeting using the information provided below. Microsoft Teams...