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Project update

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Service Impacts: SoMa


Please note that information on this page may be subject to last-minute changes and additions. Updates will be posted below. Event Summary San Francisco is proud to host the Asia-Pacific Economic...


20-Year Unconstrained Capital Plan

Project Introduction

Before the SFMTA invests in bike lanes, upgrades its transit fleet or makes accessibility improvements, each project goes through a comprehensive capital planning process. This process starts with...

Press releases

Press Statement - Muni's Impending Fiscal Cliff

Message from SFMTA Director of Transportation Jeffrey Tumlin: San Francisco cannot afford to lose public transit. But that is the direction we’re heading in if the state legislature doesn’t change...

Project update

Potrero Yard Modernization Project: Late May 2023 Update

► Take our survey / Responda a nuestra encuesta Provide feedback on the conceptual design of the new Potrero Yard by taking our survey and sharing your opinions and ideas. Your input helps create a...