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Planning for Additional Muni Service in early 2022
The 15 Bayview Hunters Point Express waits for person crossing the street Over the past couple of months SFMTA staff have been reaching out for feedback on three alternatives for adding 10% more bus...
Van Ness BRT Community Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda - October 28, 2021
Proposition A: Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond
On March 1, 2022, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to place the Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond on the June 7, 2022 ballot. Proposition A is a bond measure that would...
2022 Muni Service Network Open House #4 Presentation
Temporary Bus Stop Relocation Judah & 28th Ave
NX and N Owl Lines: The NX stop at Judah & 28th will be temporarily relocated from the curb to the boarding island during all hours of service in both directions from July 13 - August 12, 2016.
Dolores Blanding Report
Street Transformations to Address COVID-19 Keep San Francisco Moving
A street closure in the Tenderloin as part of the COVID-19 response efforts. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, many aspects of people’s lives have changed – including how we get...
Howard Street Implementation
Located in the South of Market neighborhood (SoMa), between 11 th Street and 4 th Street, Howard Street is a two to three -lane westbound arterial originally built to support manufacturing and...
Plastic Shielding Requirement Signed Notice 3.15.2021
REMINDER: Plastic Shielding Requirement
Lunar New Year School Holiday: January 24, 2020
There will be no supplementary school service during the Lunar New Year school holiday.
Bernal Heights
Includes Dogpatch
Equity Data Project
The purpose of the Equity Data Project is to understand demographic trends and inequities within the SFMTA and track progress toward achieving r acial equity, social equity and inclusion within the...
Church Transfer Improvements Project: Proposed Street Changes
Agenda Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee (MB TIF AC) Meeting September 23, 2021
Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting September 23, 2021
Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 415-915-0757,,650476223# United States, San Francisco Phone Conference ID: 650 476...