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SFMTA Weekend Transit and Traffic Advisory For Saturday, February 22, 2020
55 Dogpatch
Inbound to 16th St & Mission From 20th St between 3rd St and Tennessee, west on 20th St, left on Tennessee, right on 22nd St, right on Pennsylvania, left on 20th st, right on Connecticut, left on 16th...
Director of Transportation Report: February 18, 2020
In this week’s Director’s Report from the SFMTA Board of Directors meeting, Jeffrey Tumlin gave updates on the following topics: Washington, DC Visit House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on...
Excelsior RPP Petition (Spanish)
Excelsior RPP Petition (Filipino)
Van Ness Avenue Construction Forecast: February 24 - March 6, 2020
Those traveling on the corridor are advised to stay alert and allow more travel time during construction. Polk Street, one block east of Van Ness Avenue, is a recommended alternative for people...
Permanent Muni Service Changes Starting Saturday, February 22, 2020
Starting Saturday, February 22, 2020, Muni is introducing major changes to improve service. On This Page New Weekend Early Morning Metro Bus Service 23 Monterey Reroute 7 Haight/Noriega Upgrades...
Relocated Bus Stop Mission Bay Boulevard & 4th Street
A commercial is being filmed at the bus stop at Mission Bay Boulevard & 4th Street on Friday, September 2 from 10 am - 2 pm. The inbound 55 route bus stop will be moved 60 feet east.
3rd Street Project Construction Forecast: February 22 - March 6, 2020
The following two-week construction forecast is tentative and subject to change due to weather delays, unexpected field conditions or construction crew availability. Construction crews are scheduled...
Reminder: Service Changes Now in Effect
This past Saturday, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) made several changes to improve Muni service. These changes will improve reliability and connections, reduce crowding and...
Northeast Mission Parking Management Project - One Pager - February 2020
Update for Townsend Street from the 3rd Street Transit and Safety Project
Update for users of the Townsend Corridor from the 3rd Street Transit and Safety Project Thank you to community members who provided feedback on proposed improvements at the January 24, 2020 SFMTA...
Engineering Public Hearing Agenda, March 6, 2020
The Sustainable Streets Division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing on Friday, March 6, 2020, at 10:00 AM, in Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr...
Engineering Public Hearing Meeting, March 6, 2020
The Sustainable Streets Division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing on Friday, March 6, 2020, at 10:00 AM, in Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr...
Muni Early Morning Metro Bus Service Map
This map is in the process of being updated. Thank you for your patience.
Incorrect nighttime Metro schedules, trip plans
As of 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 25, 2016: 511 is still showing pre-Jan.-23 schedules. Trip plans showing the Muni Metro Bus Shuttle are wrong. There is no nightly Muni Metro Bus Shuttle. There is J, KT, L...
L Taraval Improvement Project Work Forecast Feb. 24 - Mar. 6, 2020
Work Forecast Plan for the Weeks of February 24 to March 6, 2020 Details of Work Performed: Continuation of sewer main replacement is planned for the weeks of: February 24-28 and March 2-6 betwene...