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Value Accountability: Responsible...
Speed Safety Cameras
Speed safety cameras are a proven tool to address excessive speeding and reduce severe and fatal injury traffic collisions. With the passage of AB 645, San Francisco can now utilize this life-saving...
39 Coit Reroute and Temporary Stop Changes: March 13 to April 4
Event Summary Construction will take place along Telegraph Hill between Lombard Street and Coit Tower from Thursday, March 13, through Friday, April 4, 2025. Muni Service There will be no 39 Coit...
4th Street Pedestrian Safety Project
The 4th Street Pedestrian Safety Project aims to help people walk across 4th Street, Bryant Street, and Harrison Street in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood (SoMa). This area is part of the...
St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival: Saturday, March 15, 2025
Event Summary On Saturday, March 15, 2025, the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade, consisting of approximately 110 floats, will begin at 11:30 a.m. The parade will form along 2nd Street, then proceed...
Telegraph Hill Blvd and Coit Tower Parking Lot Reconstruction
As part of San Francisco Public Works’ Telegraph Hill Blvd and Coit Tower Parking Lot Reconstruction project, they will be upgrading streets and sidewalks in the Coit Tower area. Work includes...
Potrero Yard Modernization Project
The Potrero Yard Modernization Project will replace an obsolete, century-old bus yard with a modern, four-story, efficient bus maintenance and storage facility, equipped to serve the SFMTA as it...
Potrero Yard tour, Monday, March 17, 6:00 p.m.
Learn more about the Potrero Yard Modernization Project by joining our tour and get a behind-the-scenes look at how a transit yard works and see why our 110-year-old yard needs to be rebuilt. →...
Post-Incident Summaries - March 2025
Detailed accounts of recent major system delays of 30-minutes or longer. We apologize if you were inconvenienced by any of these delays and thank you for riding Muni. Incidents are posted on this page...