All your neighborhood transportation information in one place: Muni routes that serve your area, projects that are underway and hyper-local news for you and your neighbors. Neighborhoods are defined...
All your neighborhood transportation information in one place: Muni routes that serve your area, projects that are underway and hyper-local news for you and your neighbors. Neighborhoods are defined...
The 1200 15th Street Renovation Project will remodel the inside of a historic 1931 building into a new location for SFMTA staff. This project helps with the SFMTA’s goal of updating facilities to...
The T Third Bus operates in the early mornings before the subway opens: on weekday mornings from 5am to 6am and weekend mornings from 5am to 8am. Southbound to Sunnydale From Stockton & Washington...
San Francisco: great city, excellent transportation choices. This vision is at the heart of the Valencia Bikeway Improvement effort. Valencia Street has been a key Mission District corridor in the...
Work on Valencia Street is moving quickly, and staff are finding opportunities to speed up the work. Crews are currently removing bike lane infrastructure on the southern part of the corridor. This...
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Value Safety: Streets and...
Happy Lunar New Year! As we usher in the Year of the Wood Snake, the SFMTA’s Slow Streets Program is excited to share updates on several Slow Streets. We have a public hearing scheduled for Sanchez...
Slow Streets are safe, comfortable, low-vehicle-traffic routes that prioritize active transportation and community-building. These shared streets are thoughtfully designed and implemented on...