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Displaying 27726 - 27750 of 27794

Potrero Yard Modernization Project - Public Art

As a City-owned facility, and in compliance with the San Francisco’s Art Enrichment Ordinance, two percent of the Potrero Yard bus facility construction costs have been allocated by SFMTA and PNC for...

Project update

Fraud Alert: Delinquent SFMTA citation scam


Some customers have reported receiving text messages notifying them of unpaid parking citations and providing a link to a website where they can pay. This website is fraudulent and not related to the...


Speed Safety Cameras

Project Introduction

Speed safety cameras are a proven tool to address excessive speeding and reduce severe and fatal injury traffic collisions. With the passage of AB 645, San Francisco can now utilize this life-saving...


Engineering Public Hearings

Click on the roadmap infographic for a step-by-step summary of the approval process for proposed street changes. The Sustainable Streets Division of San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency...


Online Public Hearing: Park Presidio Lombard Temporary HOV Lanes


The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is holding an online public hearing via this website starting on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 9 a.m. and ending on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at...


SFMTA Bond Oversight Committee Meeting

This meeting will be hybrid. You can either attend in person at SFMTA Headquarters, Civic Center Conference Center (3rd Floor) or via Teams meeting using the information provided below. Join on your...


SFMTA Bond Oversight Committee Meeting March 5, 2025


The SFMTA’s Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) will vote on an amendment to the BOC Bylaws to change the annual report due date from January 31 to April 30 following the end of the previous fiscal year...


Investor Relations Information

AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FY 2023-2024 Audited Financial Statements (PDF) FY 2023 Audited Financial Statements (PDF) FY 2022 Audited Financial Statements (PDF) FY 2020-2021 Audit Financial...


Biking and Rolling Plan

Project Introduction

The San Francisco Biking and Rolling Plan: Active Communities is a 2-year planning process to develop a new plan for active mobility in San Francisco. The new plan directs SFMTA future investments in...


13th Street Safety Project

Project Introduction

13th Street is an east-west street that borders the South of Market neighborhood and Mission District, running underneath the elevated Central Freeway. On the ground level, 13th Street serves motor...