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Good People, Tough Job
P arking Control Officer L arrell Dean directing traffic in 2019 You may not know always know their names or faces, but dedicated employees of the SFMTA are out on the street every day empowering our...
Potrero Yard Virtual Community Meeting Presentation 2021-07-13
Bay to Breakers Express Service
On Sunday, May 21st, Muni will be offering extra service to get you to Bay to Breakers and back. Extra service will supplement the N-Judah, the 5-Fulton, and the 38-Geary. The added service may not...
Welcoming Back the M Ocean View and 31 Balboa
The M Ocean View will return to rail service and resume its full pre-pandemic route in August As August 14 approaches, the target date for the next big Muni service change, the SFMTA is pleased to...
6-15-21 MTAB Item 10.7 Bond Oversight Committee Appointment - Tajel Shah
6-15-21 MTAB Item 12 TC Amendment - Traffic Modifications - Mission Street
6-15-21 MTAB Item 14 JPB 2021 Financing Plan
March Special Events Calendar
This is a general list of events planned for the month of March as of the beginning of the month. Please do not link to this page, as information may change. Full information will be posted for some...
2021 SFMTA Community Survey
Given the many changes to transportation during the pandemic, this Community Survey provides SFMTA and our Board of Directors with an up-to-date understanding of community perceptions and priorities...
Bayview Community and SFMTA Receive National Planning Award
The SFMTA’s efforts to improve transportation in Bayview-Hunters Point, one of San Francisco's traditionally African-American neighborhoods, have been recognized today by the American Planning...