Performance Metrics
SFMTA Strategic Plan The SFMTA Strategic Plan will guide our priorities over the next two years. We have set forth goals and performance metrics to measure our progress towards these priorities. We...
SFMTA Strategic Plan The SFMTA Strategic Plan will guide our priorities over the next two years. We have set forth goals and performance metrics to measure our progress towards these priorities. We...
Every day, San Franciscans are confronted with the impacts of climate change. Fires, flooding, heat waves, poor air quality; threats to the health of human beings and the planet. In 2019, city leaders...
Overview In November 2021, the SFMTA Board of Directors approved the 2021 – 2024 SFMTA Strategic Plan, which documents the vision, mission, goals, and objectives for the agency. Documenting and...
A Resolution Log is summary of actions taken by the SFMTA Board/Parking Authority Commission in prior years. You can find detailed agenda items and resolutions starting in 2012 on the Resolutions and...
Celebrating another year of biking in San Francisco! The SFMTA measures bicycle ridership in San Francisco to assess trends over time an 2017 was a big year for biking! These bike ridership factoids...
The End is in Sight! Construction on the 2.2 mile long Twin Peaks Tunnel is nearing completion and crews are still on schedule to finish within the 2-month project window. Current projections show the...
The Sustainable Streets Division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency held a public hearing on Friday, August 3, 2018, at 10:00 am, in Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr...
The following Van Ness Improvement Project construction forecast is subject to change. For more project details, please visit The night shift for construction is scheduled between...
The aims of the 3rd Street Transit and Safety Project are to reduce bus delays and improve safety for people walking on 3rd Street between Townsend and Market Streets, as well as to reconfigure...
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 5955 adopted August 10, 2018 the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing to solicit public input on the following proposed changes. The...
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 5955, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency held a public hearing on Friday, August 24, 2018 to solicit public input on the following proposed changes.
Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee Tuesday, August 14, 6 p.m. City Hall, Room 400 Nearby Muni Routes: 5, 19, 21, 47, 49, F Market, Civic Center Station The PSAC has been charged with providing...
The Board of Directors of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) this week approved the proposed street changes for legislation for Geary Rapid Project. This civic improvement...