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T Third Street
Southbound to Sunnydale From Chinatown Station, exit Central Subway, continue on 4th St, left on Channel, right on 3rd St to Bayshore Blvd to the terminal at Bayshore & Sunnydale. Northbound to...
Work Zone, Traffic and Parking Changes on West Portal
Starting June 25 for two months, a work zone will be created on West Portal Ave between Ulloa and Vicente. This document highlights the changes.
Van Ness Avenue Construction Forecast: June 25 - July 6, 2018
The following Van Ness Improvement Project construction forecast is subject to change. For more project details, please visit The night shift for construction is scheduled between...
Temporary Muni Reroutes During Twin Peaks Tunnel Construction
Starting Monday, June 25 and continuing for two months, Muni will temporarily reroute bus service in the areas by Castro, Forest Hill and West Portal stations. These reroutes are to accomodate...
Project 3-3: McAllister St.Bicycle Lane, Market St. to Masonic Ave. Proposed (PDF)
KT temporarily replaced by KJ, T and Forest Hill Shuttle
Alternate service Because of Twin Peaks Tunnel Improvements, the KT line has been split into multiple routes starting June 25. Please see the route pages for the section you are interested in: Castro...
Bond Oversight Committee December 6, 2017 Approved Meeting Minutes
VIDEO: Steps Toward an All-Electric Bus Fleet
Back in May, we announced our commitment to have an all-electric bus fleet by 2035. This means that the SFMTA will only purchase all-electric buses starting in 2025 to meet the goal for 2035. An all...
Southeast Muni Expansion
The Southeast Muni Expansion includes new Muni bus routes, Muni bus route extensions and reroutes, and more frequent service on existing Muni bus routes in San Francisco’s southeastern neighborhoods –...
Engineering Public Hearing, July 6, 2018
The Sustainable Streets Division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing on Friday, July 6, 2018, at 10:00 am, in Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr...