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Project update
9 San Bruno Rapid Capital Proposal Going to SFMTA Board Oct 7
On October 7, 2014, the SFMTA Board of Directors will review the proposals for the 9 San Bruno Rapid Capital Project and make an official decision to legislate the proposal. If approved, the proposal...
Project update
9 San Bruno Rapid Project construction starts soon
Contruction will be kicking off early July for the 9 San Bruno Rapid Project! By Spring 2017, 20,000 daily riders on the 9 San Bruno and 9 San Bruno Rapid will have a quicker, more reliable ride, and...
Project update
Glen Park Improvements Construction Update
Construction for the Glen Park Improvements Project will stop for the holiday moratorium. No work will be done between Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 26) and New Year's Day (Jan. 1). The intersection will be...