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Displaying 926 - 950 of 27846

6 Haight/Parnassus

Inbound to
Outbound to
The Inner Sunset

The 6 Haight/Parnassus operates between the Inner Sunset and the Ferry Plaza. Inbound to Ferry Plaza From 14th Ave & Quintara, south on 14th Ave, left on Quintara, left on 10th Ave, right on Ortega...


8 Bayshore

Inbound to
Fisherman's Wharf via Downtown
Outbound to
City College via Visitacion Valley

Inbound Ocean and Phelan (City College) via Ocean, Geneva (Balboa Park Muni Metro/BART), Santos, Sunnydale, Hahn, Visitacion, Bayshore, San Bruno, Alemany, Freeway 101, Freeway 80, Bryant, 3rd, Kearny...