Проект благоустройства Geary Boulevard
Thanks to the almost 1,600 respondents who gave us feedback on design details for the new trees and decorative sidewalks that will be a part of the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project. We have completed analyzing all feedback and have used it to decide on tree species and sidewalk design themes. Read more in the Community Enhancement Outreach Round 2 survey results report.
Outreach to finalize the locations and tree species for new street trees along Geary Boulevard has begun. If you live, work, or own property next to one of the proposed tree locations, you will be receiving a letter inviting your input.
The Geary Boulevard Improvement Project will include a community enhancement element to beautify the corridor. The community enhancement has been determined based on community feedback and will include about fifty new street trees and decorative glass aggregate sidewalk designs at some Rapid bus stops.
Map of Geary Boulevard Improvement Project limits and area where community enhancement treatments will be installed
Decorative Sidewalk Designs
Decorative concrete with glass aggregate sidewalk designs will be installed at six Rapid bus stops (Park Presidio inbound and outbound, 20th Avenue inbound and outbound, and 25th Avenue inbound and outbound). Designs will feature the nature of the Richmond District. Outbound bus stops will have ocean-themed decorative sidewalks, while inbound bus stops will have greenery/park-themed sidewalks. The SFMTA will seek to partner with local students to develop the sidewalk designs (potentially via partnership with a George Washington High School art class). Community feedback provided on preferred design themes will be considered for each location, including native flora and fauna.
The glass aggregate material will meet all appliable specifications for slip resistance, maintenance and safety. It will be sealed and able to withstand impacts, and if any aggregate does come loose eventually, the edges will not be sharp and a maintenance crew can easily sweep it up before repairs.
Decorative sidewalk designs will be located within the bus stop boarding zone.
Street Trees
About 50 trees will be planted both in the median and on the sidewalk, using the following tree species:
- Median trees: Coast Live Oak (Querces agrifolia) and Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa).
- Sidewalk trees: California Buckeye (Aesculus californica), California Bay Laurel (Umbellularia californica) and Primrose Tree (Lagunaria patersonia).
Top row (for median planting): Coast Live Oak (Querces agrifolia) and Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa).
Bottom row (for sidewalk planting): California Buckeye (Aesculus californica), California Bay Laurel (Umbellularia californica) and Primrose Tree (Lagunaria patersonia).
We will be selecting the individual locations for trees in the coming months. All locations must meet accessibility and utility clearance requirements. We also will try to minimize any visual impedance of storefront signage. Outreach will be done to adjacent properties prior to finalizing sidewalk locations.
The project’s community enhancement has been guided by two rounds of outreach:
- In April 2024, Richmond District residents and businesses were asked to share their thoughts about potential enhancements along Geary Boulevard between Stanyan Street and 34th Avenue. New street trees and decorative sidewalk designs were chosen based on the results of that survey. Read the Round 1 Outreach Summary Report.
- In September 2024, residents and businesses weighed in on which tree species and decorative sidewalk design themes they liked the best. Read the Round 2 Outreach Summary Report.
Next steps
These selected enhancements will be constructed along with other transit and safety improvements in late 2026 and 2027, following SFPUC’s underground utility work.
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