Mission at Highland Bus Stop & Infrastructure Improvements

Based on community feedback from residents in the neighborhood, the SFMTA will *not* be proceeding with the stop removal at Mission Street at Highland Avenue. However, proposed repaving on Mission Street between Appleton and Crescent avenues will move forward in mid to late-2024.

The SFMTA will revisit reliability and travel time improvements for the 14 Mission and 49 Van Ness Mission throughout the southern portions of these routes as a part of the future Muni Forward project which we are planning to kick off in the next few years.

Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

The SFMTA is partnering with Public Works to repave Mission Street between Appleton and Crescent Avenues. As a part of this project, we are proposing changes to bus stop spacing to improve reliability on the 14 Mission and 49 Van Ness Mission. This project would also improve vehicle access in the neighborhood. Proposed improvements include:

  • Repaving Mission Street between Appleton and Crescent avenues
  • Removing bus stops on Mission Street at Highland Avenue (both directions)
  • Converting the existing bus zones at Highland Avenue to new uses to serve the neighborhood, including four new metered parking spaces and a new commercial loading zone

Map showing illustration of proposal for Mission Street at Highland Avenue with bus stop removals (both directions), converting the existing bus zones at Highland Avenue to new uses to serve the neighborhood, including 4 new metered parking spaces and a new commercial loading zone


Project Timeline
Summer 2023
Public Outreach
Summer-Fall 2023
SFMTA Board Review of bus stop and curb use changes
Winter 2023-2024
Bus stop and curb use changes implemented
Spring-Fall 2024
Street repaving
Bus Routes and Rail Lines
Микрорайоны (Neighborhoods)

If you would like to provide feedback, please attend the virtual Engineering public hearing on August 4, 2023 (details forthcoming). 

Контактная информация (Contact Information)
Erin McMillan, Public Affairs Manager