Slow Streets Mileage
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Essential Trip Card Program Enrollment
Miles of Bike Lanes Installed
Transit Car Sanitation Hours by Pay Period
Employee rating: Overall employee satisfaction
Muni Vehicles Sanitized per Week
Percentage of Transit Trips At or Exceeding COVID Capacity
Mask Distribution
Total Mask Incidents Since Shelter in Place
Mask Compliance Survey
BikeShare Stations Installed
Bike Racks Installed
Essential Trip Card Program Usage
Transit Travel Time Savings
Equity Data Project: Employee Promotions: Promotion by Job Type
Equity Data Project: Board of Directors by Gender
Equity Data Project: Board of Directors by Race/Ethnicity
Workforce Demographics: By Job Type
Workforce Demographics Overview
Workforce Demographics: Employee Race/Ethnicity
Workforce Demographics: Employee Gender
Racial Equity Action Plan: Focus Area 1: Hiring & Recruitment
Racial Equity Action Plan: Focus Area 2: Retention & Promotions
Racial Equity Action Plan: Focus Area 3: Discipline & Separation
Racial Equity Action Plan: Focus Area 4: Diverse & Equitable Leadership
Racial Equity Action Plan: Focus Area 5: Mobility & Professional Development
Racial Equity Action Plan: Focus Area 6: Organizational Culture of Inclusion & Belonging
Post Incident Summaries - January 2022
Detailed accounts of recent major system delays of 30-minutes or longer. We apologize if you were inconvenienced by any of these delays and thank you for riding Muni. Incidents are posted on this page...
Equity Data Project: Employee Promotions: Promotion by Race/Ethnicity
Equity Data Project: Employee Promotions: Promotion by Gender