UPDATE: Transit predictions & real-time map services are currently down due to an ongoing radio system issue. Pleas https://t.co/FB33Wu4hIJ
Muni Alerts
ATTN: Starting today #MuniMetro service hours will now extend to midnight Mondays through Saturdays and to 10 p.m. https://t.co/tuiB8UlsO6
UPDATE: Arrival times and tracking of vehicles on transit apps continue to be affected due to the ongoing radio sys https://t.co/OUUeXsHrPX
ATTN: IB/OB #TThird delayed at Third and Marin due to an overhead issue. IB T trains will switch back via Metro Mun https://t.co/nRUnV6rEDK
UPDATE: Arrival times may not be accurate. Please consult our Core Service page for service frequencies. https://t.co/2iCFZiHZKn
ATTN: We are currently experiencing a radio system issue which may impact vehicle prediction times. We are working https://t.co/VvXt3KePZp
HeadsUp: The @CastroStFair is this Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The #FMarket, 24, 35, 37, L Bus, K Bus, T Bus, and https://t.co/u9a6pZQoFF
Reminder: Starting tomorrow #MuniMetro service hours will be extended until midnight Mondays through Saturdays and https://t.co/yaWEj5lKlJ
FINAL UPDATE: Trackway now cleared. California Cable Cars resuming service in both directions. https://t.co/0TDgDByoi2
ATTN: California Cable Car Line currently down due to trackway debris obstructing the line near California/Drumm. W https://t.co/x2jwb7DxVG
FINAL UPDATE: Non-Muni collision @ California/Mason cleared. California Cable Cars have resumed service in both dir https://t.co/esscNxTVJh
ATTN: California Cable Car Line holding position due to non-Muni collision blocking near California/Mason. Will update.
ATTN: Due to the earlier #subwaysvc delay we'll be switching back one of the IB #NJudah trains at Embarcadero Stati https://t.co/REZAfFMBHr
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Duboce Portal has cleared. IB #NJudah and #subwaysvc are resuming. Expect residual delays. https://t.co/96DpnwGAqK
ATTN: IB #NJudah and IB #subwaysvc delayed near Duboce Portal due to a stalled train. We are working to clear.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Folsom and 1st has cleared. The IB/OB 12 operating on regular route. https://t.co/8XJXkmWlyR
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Judah and 46th is clearing. Incident train was removed from service. IB #NJudah resuming ser https://t.co/gco7oSH6hn
UPDATE: The 12 is operating on regular route through area of Folsom and First. Expect residual delays until the sce https://t.co/lCQwr0itSa
UPDATE: Delay at Folsom and First is due to #SFFD activity. https://t.co/8XJXkmWlyR
ATTN: The IB/OB 12 will see delays and possible reroute. https://t.co/ASBtH85Sup