UPDATE: IB 19 Polk rerouting via 7th-Mission-9th-Larkin to regular route. https://t.co/qJGop2TtES
Muni Alerts
UPDATE: IB #FMarket streetcars will switchback 11th St.OB will switchback @ Ferry Building. Recommend using https://t.co/yxWHYXOz5w
ATTN: IB/OB Market St. routes blocked at Market/8th due to fire dept. activity. IB L Bus, 7, & 9/9R rerouting via https://t.co/i6GIzYfoyq
UPDATE: The OB 1 California reroute between Stockton & Van Ness due to a special event will continue through today https://t.co/pVMfnnVD0l
UPDATE: Cable Car service on Powell Street remains unavailable today (6/30) due to a special event. Alternate route https://t.co/iNbZLgTJgM
ATTN: OB #subwaysvc delayed at Embarcadero Station due to a train with a door issue. Maintenance personnel on scene.
FINAL UPDATE: We're in the process of completing our safety check. IB/OB #subwaysvc to resume normal operation. https://t.co/U9ApO8GPzA
ATTN: Report of an unauthorized person in the IB tunnel btwn Civic Center and Powell. Muni staff responding. Expect https://t.co/VMSI0lkrDe
FINAL UPDATE: Both incidents have been cleared. IB/OB #TThird resuming regular service. https://t.co/GzrFpLyA1E
UPDATE: IB #TThird switching back at 4th and King. OB T switching back at Chase Center. Use the 15 and #NJudah as a https://t.co/i6rJpe7HoE
ATTN: IB #TThird delayed at 4th and Berry due to a mechanical issue. OB T delayed near Third and 16th due to someon https://t.co/dR7G9zP1Ln
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Church and 20th has cleared. IB #JChurch resuming regular service. https://t.co/hPD77NXGmw
ATTN: IB #JChurch delayed at Church and 20th due to a train with a door issue. We are working to clear.
UPDATE: OB 1 customers needing continued service btwn Stockton and Van Ness can use the California Cable Car Line. https://t.co/CrUOiWpl7L
UPDATE: Alternate routes for Powell Street Cable Car svc include the 8 Bayshore, 30 Stockton & 45 Union/Stockton. https://t.co/UwieOuLEbM
ATTN: The OB 1 California Route will reroute via Sacramento to Stockton-Sutter-Van Ness-Sacramento today thru 10 PM https://t.co/EBzFczvxMe
ATTN: Cable car service currently not running on Powell Street. Please seek service on a nearby line: https://t.co/MpIX1MkAhm. Will update.
HeadsUp: Real-time monitoring of this account will be limited for the remainder of today (6/28) beginning at 1 PM. https://t.co/db0UV4RCoJ
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Ferry Portal has cleared. OB #NJudah and #TThird resuming regular service. https://t.co/1JpSNkUJM7
ATTN: OB #NJudah and #TThird delayed at Ferry Portal due to a train with a door issue. We are working to clear.