Muni Alerts

8 months 3 weeks ago

ATTN: The 67 Bernal Heights Route is delayed due to a non-Muni collision near Alemany & Folsom. One bus is currently trapped & we will update as soon as a suitable reroute is able to be determined.

8 months 3 weeks ago

FINAL UPDATE: Testing has been completed and we are resuming regular #SubwaySvc in both directions through the Twin Peaks Tunnel.

Bus shuttles btwn West Portal & Castro will remain for approx. 1 hour to help bridge svc as we get the rail lines back in order.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: Crews have conducted repairs to the damaged section of the overhead line and we will run a test train through the area soon. Resumption of regular #SubwaySvc is pending the outcome of that testing.

Will update.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: Westbound #KIngleside & #MOceanView trains will crossover at Castro Station, switching back from westbound to eastbound.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: Passengers should transfer to bus shuttles on the surface from Castro station for travel to Forest Hill & West Portal stations. From WP, transfer to K or M trains as needed toward Balboa Park.

8 months 3 weeks ago

ATTN: We have reports of a potential overhead line issue in the Twin Peaks Tunnel affecting #SubwaySvc in both directions.

➡️ IB #KIngleside & #MOceanView trains are switching back at West Portal.
➡️ Bus shuttles will provide service between WP & Castro stations.

8 months 3 weeks ago

ATTN: Slow-moving eastbound #SubwaySvc due to a train mechanical issue. Train has been removed from service and is making its way out of the subway.

8 months 3 weeks ago

FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 7th & Mission has cleared. IB 19 & 27 resuming regular service.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: IB 27 will reroute via Howard to 9th to Larkin to Golen Gate to Leavenworth. Stops at Mission and at Market will be missed. Board at 7th/Howard or Leavenworth/Turk.

8 months 3 weeks ago

HeadsUp: Starting tomorrow through Wednesday the #SFFD will be conducting a training exercise at Chinatown Station from 9am to 12pm. #TThird svc will not be impacted. All station entrances will remain open. SFMTA ambassadors will be at the station to answer any questions.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: IB 19 will reroute via Howard to 9th to Larkin to regular route. Stops from 7th/Mission to Market/Hyde missed. Board at 7th/Howard or Larkin/Grove.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: IB/OB #SFMuni Market Street service operating on regular routes.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: Prostest march is turning onto 7th Street. Expect the IB 19 to reroute around the area.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: Protest march continues along westbound Market Street nearing Third Street.

8 months 3 weeks ago

FINAL UPDATE: Delay near Connecticut and Wisconsin has cleared. IB 19 resuming regular service.

8 months 3 weeks ago

ATTN: Westbound protest march along Market Street from Embarcadero Plaza has begun. Expect delays and possible reroutes for IB/OB #SFMuni Market Street service.

8 months 3 weeks ago

ATTN: IB 19 blocked near Connecticut and Wisconsin by automobile. IB 19 will reroute via 25th to Wisconsin to regular route.

8 months 3 weeks ago

HeadsUp: #JChurch service will be provided by bus shuttles until approximately 7 PM tonight due to crews needing a little extra time to complete their work.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

8 months 3 weeks ago

FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 19th and Crespi has cleared. IB/OB #MOceanView resuming regular service.

8 months 3 weeks ago

UPDATE: IB #MOceanView resuming regular service. OB M trains will continue to route over the #KIngleside Line.