FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Judah and 19th has cleared. IB #NJudah resuming service.
Muni Alerts
UPDATE: Bus shuttles, once in place, will support #NJudah service btwn Duboce & Church and the beach.
ATTN: IB #NJudah delayed at Judah and 19th due to a Muni-involved collision.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Beach & Stockton has cleared. IB/OB #FMarket resuming regular service.
FINAL UPDATE: Normal service has resumed between westbound Forest Hill and West Portal stations.
UPDATE: Slow-moving service now limited to westbound between Forest Hill and West Portal stations.
FINAL UPDATE: #TThird service has resumed.
UPDATE: Northbound T trains will switchback @ Chase Center. Southbound will switchback @ 4th/King. Bus shuttles being arranged to provide svc b/t Chase and 4th/King.
ATTN: Northbound #TThird delayed at 4th/Channel due to a non-Muni collision blocking. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Judah and 16th has cleared. OB #NJudah resuming service.
FINAL UPDATE: Chinatown Station elevators are back in service.
ATTN: OB #NJudah is delayed at Judah and 16th due to a door issue.
ATTN: The elevators at Chinatown Station are currently out of service. Customers with accessibility needs can use the 30 or 45 between Chinatown and Yerba Buena stations.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on O'Farrell btwn Jones and Taylor has cleared. IB 38/38R resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB 38 & 38R blocked on O'Farrell btwn Jones and Taylor by #SFFD activity. IB 38/38R will reroute via Post btwn Leavenworth & Mason.