UPDATE: IB/OB #SFMuni Market Street bus service will be routed off Market onto Mission. Expect IB #FMarket to switch back at 11th and OB F to switch back at Ferry Plaza.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: Protest march near Market & 3rd heading westbound. OB #SFMuni may experience minor delays.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Duboce and Church is clearing. IB #NJudah resuming service.
ATTN: IB #NJudah delayed at Duboce and Church due to a patron on board needing medical assistance.
FINAL UPDATE: Geary and Taylor has cleared. OB 38 & 38R resuming regular service.
ATTN: OB 38 & 38R blocked at Geary and Taylor by #SFFD activity. OB 38/38R routing via Ellis btwn Mason and Leavenworth
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at O'Farrell btwn Leavenworth & Jones has cleared. IB 38 & 38R resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB 38 & 38R blocked on O'Farrell btwn Leavenworth & Jones by #SFFD activity. IB 38/38R will reroute via Post btwn Leavenworth & Jones.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Broad and Plymouth has cleared. IB/OB #MOceanView resuming regular service.
ATTN: OB #subwaysvc slow moving from Embarcadero due to a train that is operating in manual mode. Expect residual IB delays closer to Embarcadero.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Van Ness is clearing. IB #subwaysvc is resuming. Expect residual IB/OB delays.
ATTN: IB #subwaysvc delayed at Van Ness due to a patron on board a train needing medical assistance. Expect IB #NJudah and #JChurch trains to switch back at Church & Duboce.
UPDATE: Partial overhead damage plus a train with a damaged pantograph at Broad & Plymouth. OB #MOceanView trains will switch back at @SFSU with bus shuttle support.
UPDATE: Bus shuttles will provide #MOceanView btwn Balboa Park and West Portal.
ATTN: IB #MOceanView delayed near Broad and Plymouth due to a possible overhead wire issue.
ATTN: IB #JChurch & #KIngleside delayed at Balboa Park due to a track switch issue. Crews on scene working to resolve.
Will update as more information becomes available.
UPDATE: IB/OB 22 will reroute via Mariposa btwn Mississippi and Owens.
UPDATE CORRECTION: IB/OB 55 is not impacted by the signal railroad issue.
ATTN: IB/OB 22 and 55 blocked at 16th & 7th due a railroad signal issue. Expect delays and reroutes.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 4th and Channel has cleared. NB/SB #TThird resuming regular service.