Temporary Stop Relocations
Stop status is updated every 30 minutes on the hour.
Schedule | Morning | Midday | Evening | Late Night | Owl |
Weekday | 20 | 20 | 20 | -- | -- |
Weekend | 30 | 20 | 20 | -- | -- |
See below for detailed schedule information and live data.
Inbound to The Richmond District
Choose a stop below for real-time arrival predictions.
Outbound to San Francisco General Hospital
Choose a stop below for real-time arrival predictions.
Inbound to the Richmond District
From 25th St & Potrero, west on 25th St, right on Hampshire, right on 24th St, left on Potrero, left on 16th St, left on Mission, right on 18th St, to Market, right on Clayton, to Ashbury, left on Haight, right on Stanyan, left on Fulton, right on Arguello, right on Sacramento to the terminal on the southeast corner of Sacramento & Cherry.
Outbound to SF General Hospital
From Sacramento & Cherry, east on Sacramento, right on Maple, right on California, left on Arguello, left on Fulton, right on Stanyan, left on Haight, right on Ashbury, to Clayton, left on Market, to 18th St, left on Mission, right on 16th St, right on Potrero, right on 25th St to the terminal on the northwest corner of 25th St & Potrero.