Subway Travel Time

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Subway Travel Time measures Muni Metro’s reliability. Subway Travel Time is a summary of every journey between Muni Metro’s West Portal and Embarcadero (Eastbound) stations, or Embarcadero to West Portal (Westbound), regardless of line. The journey time is measured from the time the doors of a train close at the origin station to the time the doors of the same train open at the destination station.

The top graph shows the median travel time of these journeys occurring within the selected period, aggregated by month. The bottom graph shows the “worst case” travel time, which we use as the ninetieth percentile travel time for each month. 90% of all journeys during the selected period were shorter than the time indicated on that graph. The difference between the ninetieth-percentile travel time and median travel time is a measure of trip variability, which is extremely important to riders who want a consistent, dependable journey. Many riders remember their “worst trip” and in their minds use the travel time associated with that trip when figuring out how long it takes to get from point A to point B. Reducing this “worst case” trip makes Muni Metro more reliable and allows riders to budget less of their time to traveling.