Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1021, 2022 MOU Update Summaries

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Executive Summary (updated June 6, 2022)

SFMTA Bargaining 2022 - Executive Summary of Tentative Agreements
Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1021




July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024





First Year: 
5.25%, effective July 1, 2022 

Second Year:
2.5%, effective July 1, 2023, except if the March 2023 Joint Report prepared by the Controller, the Mayor’s Budget Director, and the Board of Supervisors’ Budget Analyst projects a budget deficit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 that exceeds $300 million, then the base wage adjustment will be delayed, to be effective January 6, 2024.

2.25%, effective January 1, 2024, except if the March 2023 Joint Report projects a budget deficit for FY2024 that exceeds $300 million, then the base wage adjustment will be delayed, to be effective close of business June 30, 2024.

8214/8216 Parking Control Officer (PCO) Step Equity

Effective July 1, 2023, MTA shall maintain at least a 5% difference between each step for 8214 Parking Control Officers and 8216 Senior Parking Control Officers, to be accomplished by lowering the Step 1 salary by 2% for all employees hired after July 1, 2023, and raising the Step 7 salary by 2%.

1937 Supervising Parts Storekeeper Equity

Effective July 1, 2022, increase the 1937 Supervising Parts Storekeeper classification pay scale to 15% above the top pay for the 1935 Principal Parts Storekeeper. 

9166 Transit Ambassadors

Effective July 1, 2022, class 9166 Transit Ambassadors shall have the same salary range as City-wide class 8300 Sheriff’s Cadets.

PCO of the Month 

Provides Recognition Allowance awards of  $400 for 8214 and 8216 of the Month and 8214 Runner-Up award of $250, upon meeting certain criteria. Additional eligibility criteria can be set by mutual agreement.

PCO Attendance Bonus 

Provides PCO Attendance Bonus of $2,500 per year, upon meeting minimum hours requirement and no discipline or preventable collisions.

Sunset PCO Fixed Post Premium

Continues existing 7.5% premium for 8214 Parking Control Officers and 8216 Senior Parking Control Officers for engaging in intersection or traffic control duty until 3% base wage increase goes into effect June 30, 2024. The wage increase shall be delayed six months if the March 2023 Joint Report projects a budget deficit for FY 2024 that exceeds $300 million.

Equity Adjustments 

Effective July 1, 2022, provides the following base wage increases:  1% for 9102 Transit Car Cleaner, 9104 Transit Car Cleaner Assistant Supervisor, 9110 Fare Collections Receiver, 9116 Senior Fare Collections Receiver, 9117 Principal Fare Collections Receiver, 9126 Transit Checker, 9128 Senior Transit Traffic Checker, and 9131 Station Agent.

Expert Officer (PCO) Premium 

Adjusts longevity requirement for this premium to count cumulative service in both PCO classifications.


Recognizes Juneteenth (June 19); changes Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Lead Person Pay 

Increases from $10.00 to $15.00 per day 

Inverse Overtime 

Provides overtime pay during the pay period employees are required to work overtime by inverse seniority when time off had already been approved before the overtime posting.

Tuition Reimbursement 

Increases total allocation from $7,500 to $10,000 and increases individual utilization limit from $500 to $1,000.

Transit Car Cleaner Uniforms 

Provides specified items of inclement weather gear and an annual cash allowance of $250 toward the cost of acquiring SFMTA-approved waterproof safety shoes for 9102 Transit Car Cleaners and 9104 Transit Car Cleaner Assistant Supervisors.

Fare Collections Receiver Uniforms 

Provides specified items of protective clothing and equipment and an annual cash allowance of $250 toward the cost of acquiring SFMTA-approved safety shoes for 9110 Fare Collections Receivers, 9116 Senior Fare Collections Receivers, and 9117 Principal Fare Collections Receivers.

Joint Health & Safety Committee 

Establishes a Joint Labor Management Health and Safety Committee to begin meeting no later than December 31, 2022.

Equitable Workplace Committee

Renames Committee on Diversity, Fairness and Inclusion, sets quarterly meetings, updates scope, and requires annual meetings with HR and Office of Racial Equity. Additional training requirements established.

Transit Ambassador Series Committee

Establishes a joint labor-management committee to meet every other month to discuss job descriptions, time limits, career path, and other issues related to 9910 Public Service Aide, 9166 Transit Ambassador, and 9167 Transit Ambassador Supervisor classifications.

Common Good Committee

Requires quarterly meetings with Union to develop plans for increasing stimulus funding sources for SFMTA operations.    

Disaster Service Worker (DSW) 

Requires MTA to establish a DSW staffing plan by January 1, 2024, provide annual training on DSW duties and responsibilities, attempt to avoid assigning DSW duties to probationary employees, make best efforts to provide advance notice of DSW assignment changes, expand eligibility for bilingual pay during DSW assignments, and provide the contact information for the City command center for complaints.

Assault Prevention & Harm Reduction Committee

Clarifies that this already established committee will begin meeting at either party’s request.

Assault Reporting

Requires SFMTA to report assaults on represented employees to Union within 48 hours and to issue quarterly reports on incidents of assaults to the Union. Parties to collaborate on a form for employees to report assaults no later than September 1, 2022.

9131 Station Agent Opening and Closing Premium

Includes specific new subway covered stations on list of those eligible for premium; provides one designated parking space for Station Agent at Forest Hill Station. Eliminates requirement that premium apply to any stations opened during contract.

Classification Study and Equity Adjustments Side Letter

No later than August 1, 2023, SFMTA shall initiate a study on duties and compensation of 8214 Parking Control Officer, 8216 Senior Parking Control Officer, 9110 Fare Collections Receiver, 9116 Senior Fare Collections Receiver, and 9104 Transit Car Cleaner Assistant Supervisor classifications. No later than January 1, 2024, the parties will complete a meet and discuss process regarding appropriate compensation adjustments for these classifications.

Union Dues

Provides that MTA shall not discontinue deductions without notice from the union.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

FMLA decision may be contested through an EEO complaint and/or a grievance process.

Reasonable Accommodation  

Requires SFMTA to confirm receipt of accommodation requests within seven calendar days.

Hiring Side Letter

Requires parties to meet regarding possible joint proposals to Civil Service Commission to streamline hiring and make it easier for temporary exempt (Category 18) employees to seek permanent civil service appointments. SFMTA also commits to using existing tools to streamline hiring.

Workforce Development and Career Ladders Side Letter

Creates a committee to meet quarterly regarding career ladders and made recommendations to SFMTA Board and Civil Service Commission; provides four hours of release time annually to attend workforce development and in-service training; requires posting of all groupings within classification plan; requires SFMTA to make best efforts to highlight promotional pathways, career ladders, and career lattices to promote upward mobility in the SFMTA workforce.

Election of Remedies

Removes requirement that employees elect either grievance or EEO process for complaints of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or failure to provide accommodation for a disability.  

Comfort Standards

Requires MTA to meet and confer over lounge, locker, comfort, and restroom facilities.

Clean-up: Labor-Management Committee (LMC) side letter 

Moves LMC side letter into body of MOU 

Clean-up: New Employee Orientation side letter  

Moves the New Employee Orientation side letter into body of MOU  

9910 and 9116 (Fare Collections Receiver series) Side Letter

Moves the 9910 and 9116 Side Letter Appendix into the body of MOU; modifies time-off request procedure to require submissions via Revenue Operations SharePoint or other mutually agreeable SFMTA online platform.

Clean-up: 9131 Station Agents Side Letter  

Moves the 9131 Station Agents Side Letter Appendix into the body of MOU.

Costing Analysis

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Budget Office
SEIU, Local 1021 - Budget Impact Analysis

Bargaining 2022
Tentative Agreement (Total Cumulative Cost; SFMTA Only)
Last Updated on 04/22/22

SEIU, Local 1021 - Additional Cost (Savings)

Subject Proposed Change FY 2023 FY 2024
Wages (Base) Following the city's wage increase pattern, represented employees will receive base wage increases based on the following schedule:

Year 1
July 1, 2022 - 5.25%
Year 2
July 1, 2023 - 2.5%
January 6, 2024 - 2.25%

If the citywide budget deficit projection exceeds $300M in Year 2, each affected base wage increase will be delayed 6 months.
$4,252,284 $7,366,506
PCO Attendance Bonus
A full-time 8214 Parking Control Officer or 8216 Senior Parking Control Officer shall receive an Attendance Bonus of $2,500 per year if the Officer meets all of the following criteria:

-Officer was on duty in paid status for at least 1,850 hours in the previous fiscal year
-Officer was not involved in any preventable collisions in the previous fiscal year
-Officer has no sustained discipline in the previous fiscal year
$272,850 $272,850
Parts Supervisor Adjustment
On July 1, 2022, the SFMTA will increase the 1937 Supervising Parts Storekeeper classification pay scale to 15% above the top pay for the 1935 Principal Parts Storekeeper.
$12,814 $12,941
PCO Appreciation Program
The SFMTA shall provide monthly Recognition Allowance payments as follows:

-8214 and 8216 of the Month: $400
-8214 Runner-Up: $250
$13,752 $13,752
Tuition Reimbursement
The SFMTA agrees to allocate $10,000 (previously $7,500) per year to the Tuition Reimbursement Program.
$2,500 $2,500
Station Opening and Closing Differential
Addition of Central Subway stations to existing 2.5% per hour base rate premium for opening or closing stations.

Furthermore, the SFMTA shall provide one designated parking spot for Station Agents who open or close Forest Hill Station.
$0 $0
Lead Person Premium
Employees shall be entitled to a $15 (previously $10) per day premium when designated by their supervisor as the lead person when required to take the lead on any job when at least two employees are working together and one acts as the lead person.
$33,722 $32,701
Transit Car Cleaner Uniforms
SFMTA shall provide an annual cash allowance of $250 toward the cost of acquiring waterproof safety shoes.

Each worker shall be provided every 12 months with one insulated coveralls, one set of rain gear, and two safety reflective sweaters. Rubber rain boots will be provided upon request.
$46,728  $46,950 
Uniforms for Fare Collection Receivers
For 9110 Fare Collections Receiver, 9116 Senior Fare Collections Receiver, and 9117 Principal Fare Collections Receiver, the SFMTA shall provide a cash allowance of $250 annually toward the cost of acquiring SFMTA approved safety shoes.

The SFMTA shall provide protective clothing and equipment for the health and safety protection of employees on the job, including safety vests and safety goggles or prescription eyewear.
$6,042  $5,726 
Expert Officer Premium
A 8214 Parking Control Officer or 8216 Sr. Parking Control Officer shall receive an Expert Officer Premium of $0.50 per hour if the Officer meets all of the following conditions:

-Officer has worked for the previous 10 consecutive calendar years as an 8214 or for the previous 10 consecutive calendar years as an 8214 or 8216, with at least five of the 10 consecutive years as an 8216 in the Enforcement Division
-Officer was on duty in paid status for at least 1,800 hours in the previous calendar year
-Officer has not been involved in any preventable collisions in the previous calendar year
-Officer has no sustained disciplinary findings in the previous calendar year
$6,810  $6,810 
Fixed Post Premium
Effective June 30, 2024 employees in the 8214 Parking Control Officer and 8216 Sr. Parking Control Officer classifications shall receive an increase of 3% to the base rate for engaging in intersection and/or traffic control duty.
$0  $0 
Weekend Premium
On July 1, 2022, the SFMTA will increase the base wage rate for the 9102 Transit Car Cleaner, 9104 Transit Car Cleaner Assistant Supervisor, 9110 Fare Collections Receiver, 9116 Senior Fare Collections Receiver, 9117 Principal Fare Collections Receiver, 9126 Transit Checker, 9128 Senior Transit Traffic Checker, and 9131 Station Agent by 1%.
$359,422  $377,858 
Step Equity Adjustments
Effective July 1, 2023, the salary steps for employees in the 8214 Parking Control Officer and 8216 Sr. Parking Control Officer classifications shall maintain at least a 5% difference between each step. To implement this, SFMTA shall lower the Step 1 salary by 2% for all employees hired after July 1, 2023 and raise the Step 7 salary by 2%.
$0  $412,584 
Total ($) - $5,006,923 $8,551,179
Total (%) - 6.18% 10.56%