Percentage of capital projects initiated/completed on time

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Metric is in the process of being updated and finalized.


Objective 4.5: Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes and project delivery through the implementation of best practices


Percentage of capital projects initiated/completed on time


This metric allows divisions to review projects that are initiated and completed on time based on Capital Improvement Program (CIP) commitments and identify issues to improve capital project delivery.


The percentage of capital projects initiated or completed on time is determined by the number of projects initiated or completed on time divided by the total number of projects and is reported agency-wide.


Initiated: sum (# of projects started on or ahead of schedule) ÷ sum (# of total projects)

Completed: sum (# of projects substantially completed on or ahead of schedule) ÷ sum (total projects)


Achieve 85% on schedule initiation rate and 75% on-schedule completion rate in FY19 and FY20

Reporting Frequency



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A project is considered to be complete at substantial completion.

Reported results are subject to change as data quality improves or new data becomes available.


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