Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Document Approved September 26, 2019 meeting minutes

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Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

September 26, 2019, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm

UCSF Mission Hall, 550 16th Street, Room 2103


Advisory Committee Seat

Voting Member


Seat 1 (Golden State Warriors)

Michael Rescigno

Yoyo Chan

Seat 2 (UCSF)

Amit Kothari

Clare Shinnerl

Seat 3 (Neighborhood resident)

Bruce Agid

Bruce Kin Huie

Seat 4 (Neighborhood business owner)

Catherine Sharpe

Terezia Nemeth

Seat 5 (Neighborhood resident)

Sarah Davis

Sarah Bertram

Members of the Public

Michelle Murphy

Gap Inc.

Eric Partika

UCSF Police Department

Tara Collishaw

Alexandria Real Estate

Charles Marino

Golden State Warriors

Pamela Lewis


Sgt. Matt Loya

 SF Police Department

City of San Francisco

Kim Walton

Senior Transportation Planner; Staff Liaison

Tom Smith

SF Public Works

Sarah Jones

Director of Planning, SFMTA


  1. Call to Order/Roll Call – Bruce Agid, Chairperson 

Voting Members in attendance: Rescigno; Kothari; Davis; Agid; Nemeth

Excused Absences: Sharpe

Alternates in attendance:   Chan;

Alternates not in attendance: Shinnerl; Huie; Bertram


  1. Advisory Committee Swearing In

The swearing in was cancelled due to the unavailability of staff from the Mayor’s Office. It will be rescheduled for October 24, 2019.


  1. Approve minutes of August 22, 2019 meeting

The draft minutes that were posted were incorrect. There was not enough time for Committee members to review the revised draft prior to the meeting.  The Chair tabled the review and approval of the August 22, 2019 minutes until the October 24, 2019 meeting


  1. Updates


Metrics Kim Walton, SFMTA, presented information on the Committee’s work on developing metrics which would be to establish baseline and identify gaps in City services in order to inform the Committee’s funding decision.  

    • Service providers – Department of Public Works, Mission Bay Maintenance Corporation, Port of San Francisco, SF Police Department, and Mission Bay Parks.  
    • Baseline and frequency of collection – Begin in January 2020 to set the baseline with the need to analyze data to assess impact of single vent at Center versus dual (Center and Oracle Park) versus no event days. Frequency of reporting will be either quarterly or biannually.
    • Final metrics plan to be in place by November 2019.

Committee Rules – Kim Walton, SFMTA also reported that the City Attorney has not provided comments on the draft rules. Sarah Jones, SFMTA Director of Planning will contact the City Attorney to help expedite the review.


Chair Bruce Agid commented that the metrics would help quantify the status of augmented services performed by the various city/private providers. The draft metrics will be presented at the October 24, 2019 meeting for review and discussion.


There were no comments from either the Advisory Committee or public on this item.


  1. Debrief on Center Opening

Mari Hunter, SFMTA – curb management, transit, passenger loading

  • Uber and Lyft need to upgrade their apps to reflect any recent changes around the Center.
  • There are some conflicts on Illinois with transit; easily fixed.
  • Muni shuttle buses and trains are full

Shawn McCormick- Enforcement

  • Traffic has been flowing smoothly.
  • Muni has been full; people are taking transit.
  • There has been a large volume of people walking.
  • Hard to clear traffic from 3rd Street bridge due to lane limitations; will improve when all lanes are open.

Tom Smith – SF Public Works

  • There has been a small increase in garbage.
  • Staffing level is adequate to handle current conditions

Pamela Lewis – Mission Bay Management Corporation

  • No big issues have been seen since the Center opened

Sgt. Matt Loya -SF Police Department

  • Overall everything has been going well.
  • Most problems have focused on food cart vendors/open flames and ticket scalpers.
  • Events are running longer than anticipated.

Committee member Terezia Nemeth mentioned that there was a problem with one of the Muni shuttle buses took Center attendees to the 16th Street BART station after it was closed.  She also stated that parking control officers   were very restricted and prohibiting vehicles from taking Illinois Street.


  1. Police Service and Chase Center Security

Charles Marino, Vice President, Chase Center Security spoke about how the Center’s staff coordinates with the SF Police Department. (Please see attached presentation). The highlights of his presentation are:

  • The Center has a security force in the building 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • A K9 patrol is employed to assist in vehicle screening.
  • Bag checks are done throughout the facility using either magnetometers, bag check tables, or handheld metal detectors.
  • SF Police are located on the interior and exterior of the Center. They also have a presence in the building’s Command Center.
  • The SF Marine Unit works with the Coast Guard and are called if needed.
  • People are “learning the facility” especially where to enter.  Many people are using the west doors more and so the attendees are being “redirected” to the East Plaza.


Committee comments – none


Public Comments – Michelle Murphy, Gap, Inc. stated that Gap’s shuttle has experienced some delays due to their inability to access their stops.



  1. Public Realm Meeting


Kim Walton, SFMTA staff liaison, reported on a meeting that was held with key service providers in Mission Bay (Sf Public Works, Port of SF, Mission Bay Maintenance Corp, and Mission Bay Parks).  The group agreed that the key metrics to track are bags of garbage used and tons collected.  Also discussed was the importance of ensuring that all streets and sidewalks are properly serviced.  A map might be developed and shared to show this information. 


9.         Advisory Committee member comments and Future Agenda Items


Sarah Davis requested information on-street parking pricing.  Terezia Nemeth recommended that this topic be brought forth to the Mission Bay Community Advisory Committee (MB CAC).  Kim Walton stated that she will share this concern with Mark Slutzkin who staffs the CAC.



Future agenda Items 

Bruce Agid put forth the following items for the October 24, 2019 meeting:

  • Swearing in of Members
  • Approve Minutes from August 22nd and September 26th
  • Committee Rules (discussion and possible action)
  • Debrief on Center Opening from SFMTA, SF Public Works, and SF Police Department
  • Presentation on Metrics (discussion and possible action item)
  • 2020 AC Workplan (discussion and Possible Action)

Adjournment of Meeting


Terezia Nemeth made the motion to adjourn the September 26, 2019 meeting and was seconded by Sarah Davis.


Committee Comments -none

Public Comment – none


On the Motion to adjourn the September 26, 2019 meeting:

Ayes- Rescigno; Nemeth; Kothari; Davis; Agid;

Nays – None


The motion passed.


Meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm