2003 Board Resolution Log
A new version of this file was uploaded on March 31, 2021, to fix issues with links to resolution files. If you downloaded this file before this date, please re-download it. A Resolution Log is...
2002 Board Resolution Log
A new version of this file was uploaded on March 31, 2021, to fix issues with links to resolution files. If you downloaded this file before this date, please re-download it. A Resolution Log is...
2001 Board Resolution Log
A new version of this file was uploaded on March 31, 2021, to fix issues with links to resolution files. If you downloaded this file before this date, please re-download it. A Resolution Log is...
2000 Board Resolution Log
A new version of this file was uploaded on March 31, 2021, to fix issues with links to resolution files. If you downloaded this file before this date, please re-download it. A Resolution Log is...
1998 Resolution Log
A Resolution Log is summary of actions taken by the SFMTA Board/Parking Authority Commission in prior years. You can find detailed agenda items and resolutions starting in 2012 on the Resolutions and...
2017 SFMTA 20 Year Capital Plan
On August 15, 2017 the SFMTA Board adopted the 20-year Capital Plan. The Capital Plan represents the unconstrained list of capital needs for the coming 20 years. The investments identified will...