SFMTA 2013 Annual Report
The 2013 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Annual Report reflects the present challenges, goals, project accomplishments, financials and overarching direction in which the SFMTA is...
Strategic Plan FY 2013 Year-End Metrics Report
Strategic Plan Metrics Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E. This is the FY 2013 Year-End Metrics Report. For...
Press Release--SFMTA Launches E-mail and Text Message Real-time Muni Alerts 11.5.13.pdf
2015-02-06 Makarian.pdf
Muni Quarterly Performance Report - FY 2013 Q4
Each quarter, the SFMTA submits a report to the Board of Supervisors detailing Muni's performance across a broad range of measures, including economic impact of Muni delays. This report details Muni's...
Oversize Vehicle Pilot Evaluation
Meeting agenda 11 6 2013.pdf
CAC Agenda 11-07-13.pdf
11-6-2013 - BOC Meeting Materials
November 6, 2013 - Approved Meeting Minutes
Executive Directive 10-03 Pedestrian Safety in San Francisco
On December 20, 2010, former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom signed an Executive Directive to both implement short-term priority pedestrian safety actions and to create and implement a longer-term...
FY 2012 - 2013 Audit Financial Statements
Annual SFMTA financial statement and comprehensive annual financial report. FY 2012- 2013 (Accessible PDF)
Meeting Flier
Press Release--Board of Supervisors Approves Purchase of 50 Hybrid Muni Buses 10.29.13.pdf
Meeting Flyer
Press Release--SFMTA Joins Supervisors Mar, Breed and Kim to Launch Pilot Program for 5 Fulton Corridor 10.25.13.pdf
Oct 18 2013 payroll data
10.16.2013 Bike Share Open House Boards
10_28_13 Small Business Commission agenda.pdf
San Francisco Pedestrian Strategy
This Pedestrian Strategy provides a path towards making San Francisco the most walkable city in North America. The City is committed to advancing this strategy quickly. As San Francisco continues to...
Media Advisory--Open House Meeting to Present Folsom Complete Street Pilot Project 10.22.13.pdf
ISCOTT Agenda 1327_0.pdf
FY 2006 Year-End Service Standards Report
Service Standards Reports measure Muni's service goals, and are a mandate of Proposition E. This is the FY 2006 Year-End Report. Note: This page and any Portable Document Format (PDF) or similar files...
FY 2008 Year-End Service Standards Report
Service Standards Reports measure Muni's service goals, and are a mandate of Proposition E. This is the FY 2008 Year-End Report. Note: This page and any Portable Document Format (PDF) or similar files...
FY 2009 Year-End Service Standards Scorecard Report
Service Standards Reports measure Muni's service goals, and are a mandate of Proposition E. This is the FY 2009 Year-End Scorecard. Note: This page and any Portable Document Format (PDF) or similar...