6-15-21 MTAB Item 10.2 Traffic Modifications
6-15-21 MTAB Item 10.3 Traffic Modifications - Anza Street
6-15-21 MTAB Item 10.4 Contract Award - Auriga Corporation
6-15-21 MTAB Item 10.5 Contract Award - Cumming Management Group
6-15-21 MTAB Item 10.6 Contract Award - HNTB Corporation
6-15-21 MTAB Item 10.7 Bond Oversight Committee Appointment - Tajel Shah
6-15-21 MTAB Item 11 Contract Award - MacKay Meters
6-15-21 MTAB Item 12 TC Amendment - Traffic Modifications - Mission Street
6-15-21 MTAB Item 13 Fiscal and Management Update
6-15-21 MTAB Item 14 JPB 2021 Financing Plan
6-15-21 MTAB Item 15 SFMTA Community Survey
6-15-21 MTAB Item 8 Citizens' Advisory Council Report
6-15-21 MTAB Closed Session
IBEW Local 6 MOU 2019-2022 Side Letter
This is a side letter update to the existing Memorandum of Understanding for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 6 - July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022 L6 Final MOU 2019-2022
6-15-21 MTAB Item 7 DOT Report
Side Letter Between the IBEW, Local 6 and the SFMTA Regarding Overhead Line Recruitment & Retention Pilot Program
This is a side letter between the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 6, and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency regarding the overhead line recruitment and...
Public Hearing Notice: Mission Street SoMa Transit Improvements June 2021
Color Curb Public Hearing Notice, June 25, 2021
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 6419 adopted June 14, 2021 the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing to solicit public input on the following proposed changes.
Taxi Hearing Decisions
2021 SFMTA Community Survey
Given the many changes to transportation during the pandemic, this Community Survey provides SFMTA and our Board of Directors with an up-to-date understanding of community perceptions and priorities...