Shotwell/Capp Neighborway Project

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Project Introduction

This project is currently on hold due to ongoing outreach efforts in the Mission neighborhood to further understand the desired safety and wayfinding needs for the area. For more information, please view the project update here

The goal of the Shotwell/Capp Street Neighborway Project is to create a comfortable, safe, and calm environment for people who walk and bike in the neighborhood. This project will evaluate potential pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements on Shotwell and Capp streets from 14th Street to Cesar Chavez Street of the Mission District with the community. By improving the existing conditions on Shotwell and Capp streets, more neighborhood connections to schools, parks, local businesses, services, and the greater transportation network will be established for community members.

The primary goals of this project include:

  • Prioritizing pedestrian and bicycle safety along this route
  • Creating a north-south connecting bike route with a slower flow vehicle traffic
  • Establishing neighborhood connections to schools, parks, local businesses, services and the greater transportation network
  • Minimizing motor vehicle congestion and manage travel patterns through nearby residential streets

What is a Neighborway?

The Shotwell/Capp Neighborway Project will investigate a variety of traffic calming measures aimed at creating a neighborway, which is defined as a residential street with low volumes of auto traffic and low vehicle speeds where bicycles and pedestrians are given priority over motor vehicle traffic (especially “cut-through” traffic). Residents of neighborway streets benefit from reduced vehicular traffic on their street and lower vehicle speeds, while neighbors who walk or bike to parks, schools, and beyond will benefit by having a calm, slow-traffic street on which to reach their destination.  Some possible traffic calming measures that could be used to create a Neighborway are:

  • Speed humps
  • Traffic circles
  • Traffic Diverters (concrete elements that allow bicycles and pedestrians to pass freely but divert car traffic to other routes)
  • Forced turns for vehicles or turn prohibitions for vehicles
  • Traffic Islands
  • Signage
  • Pavement markings
Current Phase or Stage
Project Currently On Hold
Contact Information
Thalia Leng