Project Reports

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Household Survey Findings

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In fall 2019, the SFMTA's Residential Parking Policy team administered a household survey of residents of multi-family buildings with 50 or more units, located within SoMa, South Beach, Rincon Hill, Mission Bay and Dogpatch.  The targeted buildings were divided between RPP Areas and areas not covered by RPP to allow for comparisons. A total of 118 buildings were selected. Godbe Research Associates (GRA) administered the survey to a total of 18,810 addresses.  From those, the SFMTA received 2,207 valid responses. Individual responses were anonymized and only building-level addresses were provided (no individual unit numbers were provided to SFMTA). Surveys were mailed in four languages: Mandarin Chinese, English, Filipino and Spanish. Residents were asked questions regarding vehicle ownership, travel behavior (such as parking and commuting) along with sociodemographic information.  

There are multiple sections to the survey findings:  Census Data Analysis; Vehicle Ownership and Travel Behavior Differences Across Socioeconomic Groups; Parking Policy Impacts on Parking and Vehicle Access

Lake Merced Bikeway Feasibility Study

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The Lake Merced Bikeway Feasibility Study was completed in January 2021. The final report presents near-term options for adding bikeways at road-level on streets adjacent to the lake and long-term options for widening the multi-use pathway around the lake.

If you would like to download a copy of the full Lake Merced Bikeway Feasibility Study, you may do so by visiting the following links.

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January 19, 2021, Proposed Changes for Better Market Street for SFMTA Board - Document

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Better Market Street Legislation:

Better Market Street (BMS) is a phased project to revitalize and improve San Francisco’s busiest pedestrian, bicyclist and transit corridor. The City’s multi-agency project along 2.2 miles of Market Street between Steuart Street and Octavia Boulevard, is a major capital investment designed to enhance safety for people traveling down Market Street, improve transit service, and create a vibrant and inclusive destination where people want to live, work and visit.  The BMS project was approved by the SFMTA Board in October 2019.  The SFMTA Board will hold a hearing to discuss these changes:

  • Modifications to Phase 1 construction project (between 5th to 8th streets, anticipated to start construction mid-2021)
  • Modifications to Phase 2 (the F Loop on McAllister and Charles J Brenham, anticipated to start construction in 2023 or 2024)
  • Clean-up legislation of elements that were either part of the original project design but not included in the 2019 legislation, or minor adjustments to the design implemented in winter 2020 quick-build phase via directive as temporary emergency measures.
  1. ESTABLISH – WHITE PASSENGER LOADING ZONE –Ellis Street, northside, from 38 feet to 44 feet west of Stockton Street
  2. ESTABLISH – RED ZONE – Ellis Street, south side, from Powell Street to 20 feet easterly; Ellis Street, south side, from 101 feet to 109 feet east of Powell Street
  3. ESTABLISH – GREEN METERED PARKING, 30-MINUTE LIMIT, 9 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY – Hayes Street, south side, from 179 feet to 223 feet west of Larkin Street
  4. RESCIND – TOW AWAY NO STOPPING, 7 AM TO 9 AM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY – Fell Street, south side, from Franklin Street to Van Ness Avenue.
  5. ESTABLISH – STOP SIGN – Stevenson Street, westbound, at New Montgomery Street
  6. ESTABLISH – TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – Stevenson Street, north side, from New Montgomery to 65 feet easterly (removes 11 metered motorcycle spaces); Stevenson Street, north side, from 2nd Street to 56 feet westerly (removes 20’ white zone)
  7. ESTABLISH – MOTORCYCLE METERED PARKING – 2nd Street, east side, from Stevenson Street to 46 feet northerly (removes a 36’ white zone)
  8. ESTABLISH – NO RIGHT TURN ON RED – Jones Street, northbound, at Golden Gate Avenue
  9. ESTABLISH – RIGHT TURN ONLY EXCEPT MUNI AND BICYCLES – Jones Street, southbound, at McAllister Street
  10. ESTABLISH – LEFT TURN ONLY EXCEPT MUNI AND BICYCLES – McAllister Street, eastbound, at Jones Street
  11. ESTABLISH –TOW-AWAY, NO STOPPING, EXCEPT TRUCK LOADING ZONE, 12 AM TO 6 AM AND 9:30 AM TO MIDNIGHT, 30-MINUTE LIMIT – Market Street, south side, from 464 feet to 528 feet east of 8th Street
  12. ESTABLISH – SPEED TABLES – Market Street, eastbound curb lane, between 8th Street and 7th Street (1 speed table); Market Street, eastbound curb lane, between 7th Street and 6th Street (1 speed table); Market Street, westbound curb lane, between 8th Street and 7th Street (1 speed table); Market Street, westbound curb lane, between 6th Street and Mason Street (1 speed table)
  13. ESTABLISH – RIGHT TURN ONLY, EXCEPT TRANSIT, PARATRANSIT, BICYCLES, and EMERGENCY VEHICLES – Market Street, eastbound at 8th Street; Market Street, eastbound at 6th Street; Market Street, westbound at Geary and Kearny Streets; Market Street, westbound at Turk Street
  15. ESTABLISH – TRANSIT ONLY LANE– Market Street, westbound, from 50 feet east of Kearny Street to Kearny Street
  16. RESCIND – NO LEFT TURN and ESTABLISH – NO LEFT TURN EXCEPT TAXIS AND MUNI –Mission Street westbound at New Montgomery Street; Mission Street westbound at 5th Street, Mission Street, westbound at 2nd Street
  17. RESCIND – NO LEFT TURN EXCEPT MUNI and ESTABLISH – NO LEFT TURN EXCEPT TAXIS AND MUNI – Mission Street, westbound and eastbound at 11th Street; Mission Street eastbound at 9th Street;
  19. ESTABLISH - 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT – Market Street between Franklin Street and Steuart Street
  20. ESTABLISH – CROSSWALK – Market Street at Jones Street/McAllister Street, west crossing
  21. RESCIND – CROSSWALK – Market Street at Jones Street/McAllister Street, from south sidewalk to median island
  22. RESCIND – BUS ZONE and ESTABLISH – TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANY TIME – Charles J. Brenham Place, east side, from Market Street to McAllister Street
  23. ESTABLISH – BUS ZONE – 7th Street, east side, from 10 feet to 110 feet south of Market Street
  24. ESTABLISH – WHITE PASSENGER LOADING ZONE – 7th Street, east side, from 110 to 150 feet south of Market Street
  25. ESTABLISH – CLASS IV BIKEWAY (PROTECTED BIKEWAYS) - 7th Street, northbound, between Market Street and Stevenson Street

(Supervisor Districts 3, 6)

Public Hearing Information:

If you would like to comment on this proposed change, you may attend an SFMTA Public Hearing or file your comments in writing before the hearing:

  • Email: with the subject line “Better Market Street”
  • Mail: Board of DirectorsOne South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103-5417
  • Public Hearing: Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 1:00 PM

The SFMTA Board meeting will be available either online or by phone. To provide public comment, you must do so via the public comment phone line at 888-808-6929 and enter the code 9961164#. When public comment is open key in “1” and then “0” to join the queue of people wishing to comment

415.646.4270: For free interpretation services, please submit your request 48 hours in advance of the meeting. / 如果需要免費口語翻譯,請於會議之前48小時提出要求。/ Para servicios de interpretación gratuitos, por favor haga su petición 48 horas antes de la reunión. / Para sa libreng serbisyo sa interpretasyon, kailangan mag-request 48 oras bago ang miting.

All comments will be reviewed by project staff and will be entered into the public record. Comments will be considered when a determination is made whether to implement the change. Certain, final SFMTA Decisions, whether made by the City Traffic Engineer or the SFMTA Board, can be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Ordinance 127-18. Information about the review process can be found at