Northeast Mission Parking Management Project

Project Introduction

Residents and businesses have reached out to the SFMTA regarding parking conflicts and requested regulations to improve access for parking and loading. Through outreach, residents and businesses created a proposal for parking regulations. Click the buttons below to learn more if you live, work or visit the Northeast Mission:

I live in Northeast Mission—what does this mean for residents and visitors?

I work in Northeast Mission—what does this mean for employees and customers?

Draft Proposal for Northeast Mission Parking Management


Proposed parking regulations including time limits, residential permit parking and paid parking


The Mission District's northeastern neighborhood is one of San Francisco's most dynamic and diverse. A mix of commercial and industrial businesses, homes, and recreational destinations combine to make the neighborhood unique and attractive. However, a lack of parking regulations has led to an ongoing parking and curb access challenge for the neighborhood's residents, workers and visitors.

The SFMTA has received several community requests to create parking regulations and better manage curb space. From the summer of 2019 to early 2020 there were open houses, office hours, surveys, smaller stakeholder meetings, and project Working Group meetings which produced a draft plan but then the effort was placed on hold for over two years. In 2022, the Working Group reconvened, we had a community meeting in the fall of 2022 and did some spot-check data collection to compare to previous data collection efforts which confirmed significant demand in the neighborhood and we just had a public hearing on March 21, 2023 to review the draft plan.

The goal of this plan is to manage parking with reasonable regulations so that:

  • Residents can find parking where they live
  • Neighborhood businesses have the parking availability and loading space they need to thrive
  • People can find parking when they most need it

The Northeast Mission Parking Management Project has a long history and, most recently, a setback with the pandemic, but your commitment and patience are greatly appreciated, and we hope to advance regulations this year to make the neighborhood even better.

Community Engagement 

The SFMTA staff initiated outreach in the summer/fall of 2019, including the creation of a working group to develop a parking plan that meets the diverse needs of the community.  If you would like to receive notifications, please sign up.

Project Timeline
Spring 2023-Spring 2024
Spring 2024-Spring 2025
Legislation Engagement
Summer 2025
Fall-Winter 2025
Project Status
  1. Planning
SFMTA Drive and Parking icon
To make more on-street parking available to meet the growing demand in the neighborhood.
Contact Information
Mari Hunter, Principal Transportation Planner - Parking & Curb Management
Pamela Johnson, Public Relations Officer