Facilities State of Good Repair

Project Introduction

The SFMTA has 20 facilities, which are needed to support Muni transit service, paratransit service, street infrastructure, sign and paint shops, and other critical functions that keep San Francisco moving. A key goal of the SFMTA's Building Progress Program is to keep facilities in a state of good repair by fixing and repairing buildings and yards based on recommendations from the 2013 Real Estate and Facilities Vision for the 21st Century and the 2017 SFMTA Facilities Framework

Maintenance, renovation, and repair campaigns include getting the word out to staff about the need to make improvements to existing facilities and appropriately alerting the community when repair and/or construction activity may impact them. 

Sites that are currently included in these "state of good repair" campaigns are:

  • Pigeon Abatement at Curtis Green Rail Yard

  • Pigeon Abatement at Cable Car Barn

  • Heating repair and renovation and compressor replacement at Curtis Green Rail Yard 

  • Operator Convenience Facility Program - Phase 3

  • Compressor replacement at Cameron Beach Rail Yard 

  •  Compressor and roof replacement at Kirkland Bus Yard

  • Presidio Facility Bus Lifts Improvement Project

  • HVAC repair and renovation, compressor replacement, new trash compactor and yard improvements at Woods Bus Yard

  • Energy improvements, restroom and break room improvements at Flynn Bus Yard

  • Various tenant improvements at 505 7th Street (parking enforcement facility)

  • Various yard improvements at 6th and Townsend streets

  • Building and restroom portable replacement at 571 10th Street (parking enforcement facility)

  • Lactation rooms placed at 1 South Van Ness Avenue (administration offices), Muni Metro East Rail YardIslais Creek Bus Yard, and 1508 Bancroft Avenue (sign and meter shop)