Construction for the Bayshore Quick-Build Project has been completed. We will evaluate the implemented transportation safety improvements in early 2024.
Review safe practices for using the new transportation facilities here:
Bayshore Quick-Build Project - How to use the new Bayshore Boulevard Street Improvements
Bayshore Boulevard is a north-south roadway that extends from Cesar Chavez Street to San Francisco’s eastern edge and generally parallels U.S. Highway 101.
Bayshore Boulevard between Jerrold Avenue and Helena Street is part of San Francisco's Vision Zero High Injury Network, or the 13% of San Francisco streets which experience 75% of the city’s traffic injuries and fatalities. The Bayshore Quick-Build Project seeks to address these safety issues and build on SFMTA transportation safety improvements near Bayshore Boulevard, Potrero Avenue and Cesar Chavez Street intersect (known as the Hairball) and the Alemany Interchange. Visit the Cesar Chavez/Potrero Ave/Bayshore Blvd. Intersection Improvements (The Hairball) and Alemany Interchange Bike Lanes projects to learn more.
The Bayshore Quick-Build Project will connect to nearby transportation safety improvements implemented in the area and incorporate community feedback presented in the Bayview Community-Based Transportation Plan by engaging with community stakeholders about the following potential transportation safety treatments along the Bayshore Boulevard corridor.
- Completed
Project Scope
The Bayshore Quick-Build is currently evaluating the following draft scope:
1. Bayshore Boulevard from Silver to Oakdale avenues – The SFMTA proposes to apply low-cost, quick-to-construct, adjustable roadway safety treatments (i.e. paint, traffic delineators, street signs and traffic signal timing) that supports the following transportation users:
- Bicyclists - upgrading the existing bikeways on Bayshore Boulevard
- Pedestrians - enhancing pedestrian crossings and visibility at key intersections
- Drivers and Bicyclists - rearranging parking spaces to retain parking while reducing conflicts between drivers and bicyclists
2. Bayshore Boulevard from Oakdale to Jerrold avenues – The SFMTA will consider a two-way bikeway on Bayshore Boulevard from Jerrold to Oakdale avenues. This proposal will include in depth engagement with community stakeholders who live, work and regularly visit the area.
Project Benefits
Improvements within the project area will provide a greater sense of safety while cycling/walking and support the City’s Vision Zero goals.
Evaluation Process
All SFMTA quick-build projects are intended to be evaluated through our Safe Streets Evaluation Program within the initial 24 months of construction. The Safe Streets Evaluation Program will analyze the project before and after implementation to review outcomes and determine design effectiveness. Evaluations will inform near-term modifications and a long-term design for this street.
Project Outreach
A community engagement process is currently underway and stakeholders will be informed during each step of the planning, legislation and construction phases. Please subscribe to receive project updates via email or by mobile phone.
Stay Updated
If your business, organization or community group would like a presentation about the Bayshore Boulevard Quick-Build project, please contact Adrienne Heim, Transportation Planner, at