In recent weeks, crews have made progress implementing safety improvements included in the West Portal Station Safety and Community Space Improvements Project.
Vehicle restrictions and transit lanes installation underway
SFMTA crews have begun work to install signage and pavement markings to implement the following three vehicle restrictions:
- No left turns from northbound West Portal Avenue onto Ulloa Street
- No westbound through traffic on Ulloa Street at West Portal Avenue
- No left turns from southbound West Portal Avenue onto Vicente Street
While we expect this implementation work to have minimal impacts for people traveling through the area, watch for signs and workers.
Additionally, transit lanes are being painted on small segments of West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street to help reinforce these restrictions. This work is happening during late night hours to minimize disruption to daytime traffic and Muni service. We expect additional late-night work to fully colorize the transit lanes red, which we plan to complete later this month.
Note: while we expect all vehicle restriction signage to be posted and transit lanes to be painted by Monday, October 7, signage will become effective as soon as it is posted. People driving should follow all signage that is posted.
Traffic calming treatments on Wawona Street, Ulloa Street, and five-way intersection are almost complete
SFMTA and SF Public Works crews are putting the finishing touches on traffic calming work on Wawona and Ulloa streets and at the five-way intersection of Vicente Street/Wawona Street/Madrone Avenue.

Recently installed treatments to help calm traffic. Top: speed cushions on Wawona Street; Middle: painted intersection markings on Ulloa Street. Bottom: a new concrete island at the five-way intersection of Vicente Street/Madrone Avenue/Wawona Street.
Learn more about these treatments in our previous project update.
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