Valencia Bikeway Improvements - May 2024 Project Update

For the past month, the Valencia Bikeway Improvement team has focused on improving curb conditions, talking with over 100 businesses, and designing a side-running bicycle lane design.   

Here’s a snapshot of what our team worked on in April. 

More Single Space Meters Installed on Valencia 

We’ve heard that it’s hard to understand where to park and when it’s legal. In April, we converted the 700 and 800 blocks of Valencia back to single-space meters from the multi-space parking meters. The single-space meters make it easier to tell where spots are and have large decals on the back that make it clear when it’s legal to park there. They also provide more bike parking! This is in addition to the 500 and 600 blocks we converted in March. 

We hope to continue expanding these changes to other blocks of the pilot area in the coming months.   

Changes to Signal Timing 

We heard from community members that they have noticed increased vehicle congestion at the intersections of Valencia Street at 15th and 23rd Streets. We have been working on identifying the conditions that cause this congestion and will make adjustments to signal timing at these intersections in May.  

Renewed Outreach Efforts 

Last month we mentioned that we were conducting intercept surveys to understand how residents, visitors and merchants travel to, from and within the Valencia corridor. Our ambassadors spent the last month surveying people and we’re analyzing those responses, with the goal of sharing results in late summer or early fall.   

Here’s What We’re Doing with Your Feedback 

We visited the corridor several times and met with over 100 businesses to solicit feedback on the bike lane pilot and assess parking and loading needs.  

We used this feedback to make legislative changes to the parking and loading configuration along Valencia Street, which were heard at the April 26th Color Curb Hearing. The changes proposed at last Friday’s hearing will be implemented in the coming weeks. 

Staff continue to incorporate the feedback heard during this month’s outreach and will be proposing more parking and loading changes to be included at the next Color Curb Hearing at the end of May.  

Along with our merchant outreach efforts, we distributed dozens of signs pointing customers to SFMTA’s two convenient and affordable parking garages near Valencia because we heard that many people were not aware of these parking options. Next time you’re in the area, you may spot one of these signs in the window of a business you frequent. 

Are you a business along Valencia Street? Did we miss you? If you have not had a chance to speak with one of our staff members, please let us know by emailing

Share Your Thoughts 

In May, we’re bringing together businesses in small groups to discuss their parking and loading needs. If you’re a business, keep an eye out for an invitation to the group for your area of the corridor. 

Project staff will be out on the street supporting Bike to Work Day on May 16th and seeking feedback about your experience on Valencia. Learn more about Bike to Work Day, 

Our Valencia project team will also hold tabling events at various summer fairs on Valencia. Stay tuned for more details.  

As always, you can share your thoughts with us at